Age: 16 Country of origin: Israel (Palestinan) Link to Steam Community profile *: --- Minecraft name **: --- MTA account name (/login) ***: CHEATERsSon (KoM|Maher) Little something about your self and why you think you're fit to be admin: My name is maher, im 16 , i born in israel , but im not israelian and not jewish. i have hearing aids since 2007. im deaf. i have done 3 surgerys. I wanted to be an killer on mix, because i can be active in morning time (in israel time), maybe ill apply to be an killer,because i want to kill campers, hackers , report , kill , I wanted to be like Cena . Anton , Personalizado , Titten (jack123) , and all killers and moderators.. (Just a Killer). yeah i see like a lots of people camping like a player called "guest" camps all the time and wastes our time, but there was no one to kill him, so i decided to be an killer not admin,so i hope ill apply for being an killer asap. P.S: I play 7 to 20 hours per week sometimes, I was CHEATERsSon , But now im Maher (KoM|Maher).. Cheers. See ya.