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Mr. Green Gaming


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race last won the day on January 5 2021

race had the most liked content!

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  1. What is the next step for MrGreen?  FiveM? or GTA VI MP? would be sad if once MrGreen Dies fully.

    1. Nick_026


      There are no next steps at this time

    2. race


      Yeah, i assume that. but thats just sad to

  2. why are you such a annoying idiot?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more


      I don't nab, I been busy searching for new cars

    3. race


      What you been Searching for?



      Honda civics 1.5L to replace a shitty VW

  3. race

    Kash block

    i dont understand why david is unbanned here. he should deserve an pernament ban. once banned. always banned.
  4. race

    Show your car

    Jack123 and Stig created a Team.
  5. Vauxhalll - Added
  6. Good luck! you shall need it!
  7. race unban appeal Your ingame name: race Date of your ban: 06-30-2020 What game/server are you banned from: MTA RACE/MIX Who banned you (only if you know who): Jack123 Reason why you got banned (only if you know why): I were insulting Turks. Reason why we should unban you: I know i was fault, i regret, from now on i will think before i type something, and 30 days for insults. i think thats a bit to long. Thanks for reading my Appeal.
  8. race

    Not Enough?!

    And again i see Jack likes to abuse for his turkish friends nice one dude. you did great!
  9. race

    Not Enough?!

    Since when is Ramming and Having fun not allowed on a game. its so annoying we always try to most talk in english even when we come are from the same language we still try to speak english but the turkish players always ignore us when we ask if they could talk in english or they start provoking / insulting i have nothing agaist nobody but this is a useless report. race
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