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Mr. Green Gaming

Ilyas Begzat

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Ilyas Begzat last won the day on August 9 2015

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  1. ✶ Hi guys. This guy always me and other players have been doing block. ✶ I'm putting the photo I caught last night. ✶ ✶ Please to avoid severe punishment!
  2. This guy is constantly messing with me, he insulted me a lot I took, the screenshot but format deleted when assigning. I forgave him but still He again today insult me. Please "BAN" or "MUTE" . Stig: You must think like a god. Stig: Stupid asshole ReW. Screenshot:
  4. Happy holidays
  5. Good job ty AlexksCore
  6. Good luck santi
  7. I can not install is giving error says please teach how dowloaded http://mrgreengaming.com/mta/
  8. TR|Metin said: About 10 days ago f1madkiller banned me for 3 days.After i banned , i tired to get into the game for 2 day , i thought i could have a chance.At the end of the 2nd day i managed to get into game.After 1 hour f1madkiller logged in and told me i avoided ban.But i didnt avoid ban.He banned me 14 days for avoiding ban.I didnt do anything to avoid ban just tried to log in.This ban is an unnecasary ban and i'd like you to unban my account because as you can see i didnt do anything to have ban.Please do what you can do about this sitiuation. Racist ADMİN!!!!!!!!
  9. try them all not problem and good maps . MB i crossed a little Sorry . if you install I'm glad NTS-Kith-and-Kin.zip RFT-Amkkaze-v5.zip RFT-Amkkaze-v6.zip RFT-Amkkaze-v7.zip
  10. not man finish closed please look.
  11. edit me RFT-Amkkaze-3.zip RFT-Amkkaze-v2.zip RFT-Amkkaze-v4.zip RFT-Benana.zip RFT-Relax-v1.zip RFT-Windows8.zip SH-Kim-Bilir.zip
  12. You write "Song" instead of "song". = Song name ?
  13. Hi, your link not understand show very Sorry.I could not probably. Therefore from here throwing me. Please accept RFT-Amkkaze-1.zip RFT-Amkkaze-3.zip RFT-Amkkaze-v2.zip RFT-Amkkaze-v4.zip RFT-Benana.zip RFT-Relax-v1.zip RFT-Windows8.zip SH-Kim-Bilir.zip
  14. As you say qReW-Contra-v1.rar
  15. dd map edit me DD-qReW-DizLaykDedYee.rar
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