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Yes but thats all fine i like noobs too they are fun to play with and help, the noobs lern to hide and then find a box they get a nice weapon and manage to kill anyway, noobs arn;t that common , every1 has played css and its unlikly that som1 that has never played css is gonna find gmod anyway. Plus this new system has ppl playing anyway. and look at that haunted house level! theres like 1 little paint pot... there are plenty of levels like that now anyway... at least consider that the poison zombie propkill to kill in 1 hit, that seems in my opinion fair because the poison zombie is even more usless now with its low speed and nerfed propkilling.....
Hi all i am back for a bit of games! I have always been a very pacient gamer, enjoying things that take time, like RTS and essentially zombie mod when it i first played it with robo, i was initially vey happy with the new game mod however as som1 who helped populate this comunity i believe i should have my say. Before i rant i will state a few positives. New "who gets the kill" system is very good and satisfying... The new weapon supply box type is good. New howler despite its bad reception i actually like it..... However, i feel i should let my opinion be known that i am not happy with alot of the "improvments" that has failed to represent the zombie mod's Unique factor. What has happened to propkills? they are so weak..... There is no fearing props anymore as health is so easly obtainable no1 need to fear a moderate damaging prop, even with its supposed critical hit... Also many people may not know it but the propkilling is a very unique mechanisum that is not present in many games out there. The idea of using a prop to kill has great value in the game as many people will agree... to weaken it is to neglect the very thing that makes zombie mod special... the vast many times a zombie can be creative in using a prop within its surroundings to defeat the enemy is both "cool" and mentally rewarding when playing. Also as obvious things go... we cannot have bombs that only hurt zombies..... However my point remains solid. we must have the old prop killing system back with all the props that kill such as lamp shades bedside lamps... even barells didn;t kill in 1 hit.. and thats fine... but not 3 hits... pleaaasseeeee.... Playing as zombie is now boring and essentially lethargic with no real element... it seems the new mod has increased the health of zombies so that killing by hand is more common which is lame.... it used to be that some zombie players where so feared that you would just run when faced with them now all are fearless to anyone.... I'm not asking for the new mod back, but i am sorry Props and the use of them in combat is an esential part of enjoying zmod... look at half life 2 with its gravity gun.... i can promise that it was a large part of its success. Anyway... i hope to see you all playing again soon however for now i am done Cheers Frog
lol darkness you are awsome ^^ i sense a prodegy in you ^^
don;t worry i will force him to play HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHHAHAHAHAAHAHA i have fused robo's body to mine and now have become robofrog hahahahahaha
we are the same person my brother who is slow plays on the serveron the same account, i used to be slow untill he took over the name... and i cahnged to frog u;ve knone me more than ever i am not immature i'm more mature than most i just let loose in game.... u can all claim to know robo but i've known him for years in person, and as robo is trust worthy so am I and robo can disaplin me with his wip if i'm put of line
SLOW AND FROG age 20 languages English, japanese and german Hi guys! i'm so awsome! i have loads of fans on mr green and everyone loves me! i have joined since admin robo introduced me to gmod personally and since, me and my brother have played non-stop. Robo also loves me alot and i know him well, I can contact him personally as he can me about server troubles and therefore can affectivly deal with any problems that arise together! Well tahts all i say! pick me pick me!
don;t worry ERRR no has to do anything at all it was just a way to controle invites totaly gone out of controle, bean is just sower cos i pawned him with wraith the other day^^
this is just silly bean.... this would of helped you get less anoying people adding you.... by representing somthing else you can direct them to that and all the needy people who want to be with you can be with you by another clan, its just less hassle for everyone, can you not understand that?
bean don;t say that :< lets be onest good players got into E.U. handed to them on a platter... people keep asking to join and they are nice so its hard to say no, the whole point was so that theres a group for friends of e.u. can just play... i have many friends on mr green that i can;t add to e.u. why not have a collective group of friends of e.u.? that not just any1 can join ... jesus i'm not stupid not every1 in e.u is a so called good player, we can't have the group too crowded its just friends groupong with friends.... why is it sucha a bad idea anyway... its just a group with another group who cares!!!?!?!
wow this just went so out of controle amazing, every1 here just needs to relax nothing is happening at all to anything its just a new rule for making it harder to get itno E.U for my standards only does every1 understand MY standereds... not EU, i didn;t demand or ask anyhting every1 plz grow some ballz and just keep playing, idea is dropped anyway...
lol @ playing Gmod in your Pants I do that too, when I wake up, I am still sleeping so I just go and sit in front of my computer, only wearing pants and a t-shirt, it's really nice, you should try it what about fully nude? or is that a bit too 'nippy'? Nah, that's just disgusting, are you dirty or something, cause you think like that? Put short - Yes. I can be dead dirt'ay for you Danni! You can be dirty for everything that moves, Yes even the steamroller man eyer ur just wired lol
haha i've already serched for prople on other sites so i guess its only fair if i do this too 1. Real name and age? KIYO 20 years 2. Where do live? London close to roborobb and very close to mr moon 3. Previous experince with communities and boards? ahhhh kinda none really this is the only comunity that seems worth it! i really i like this kinda indie gaming scene 4. What do you do for a living? (eg. what's your job) i'm a pianist, well i was untill i realised i have no money, now i use my fingure skills on gmod! kaching! 5. Go to school? If yes, studying what? i study engineering 2nd yearif i'm not on gmod next year its cos i failed this year 6. Describe yourself with 3 words? green jumpy and a frog 7. Anything else you wanna tell us? Well what should i say i love the game started gaming when roborobb introduced me to mrgreen during my second year of uni so that i can relax more by playing (not drinking) now me and my bro have racked up about 100 playing hours. Nothing is truly ever going to be better, I love waking up in the morning and playing gmod in my pants!
oh man that was at 7:50 jesus man work must suck
lol my laptops a piece of shit for work only i'll show you guys on the show us your rig post soon on that note cos of my resolution i can't be a poison headcrab without changing the resolution...:| kinda sucks if you co;d do somthing it sould be great but i don't really care....