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Mr. Green Gaming


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  1. Actually, you have to make a new object, i tested that. The problem is, if you make an object as LOD it wont have collisions and stuff, but i can be loaded from 5x300(max distance). If you dont create it as lod, it can only be loaded from 300units and has collisions. So, you have to create a LOD for every object. Sadly. It would be nice if MTA could use the LODS that are in the model file, just as GTA uses them on originally placed objects.
  2. you not necessarily need to use it. this could be adjusted with a slider, just as farclip is.
  3. What it does is clones all the objects as LOD's of themselves. By default MTA Objects dont use lods, thats why they cant be seen from the distance. SA objects use their LODS so they can be seen from further away. Ofc, this script should always clear the objects before making new ones, so, for example, on every map start, it should delete every single object it created, which can be done, if they are saved in a table.
  4. Hey guys, so, yeah, im a somewhat active member here, dont really post, rather just playing occasionally, but this annoys me quite a lot. So, the draw distance. Im sure many of us play this game with current gen graphics cards, or even if its not current gen, basically the average PC is more than enough to run MTA. Yet we dont have draw distance for MTA models that is more than like 10 car lenght sometimes. Especially barrels and stuff like that, load so close you cannot even avoid it at higher speeds. (and trollmaps love this) So, i've made a really easy scirpt example, im sure you could do this as well, but yet still it isnt on the server. You currently have however a farclip script which is nice, i was thinking the same integration of this script as well. So, lets talk about What this script does is basically cloning every single object on the map as a LOD object. LOD objects dont have collisions, therefore not hooking CPU as much, but they can be rendered from higher distances, up to 5x times further than non LOD objects, making it possible to actually be amazed how cool maps look from distance. Ofc the slider would be here so people with weaker PC can lower the value, or even disable this completly. But so far, i havent noticed any FPS drop on my system.(i have a really weak outdated i5 maxed at 3.4ghz) I attached a file, if you want me to make it as proper function feel free to tell, i didnt do it because im sure you have unique way of itegratin this anyway. client.lua
  5. DELETE IT. Filled with barrels, idiotic objects that load way too late, and barrels, barrels, bugged sign that sometimes just fcks your race up.
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