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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Gunner21

  1. Coming back soon, just gonna get free from my exams, might login in between.
  2. COMPLAINT - MIX SERVER In-game Name: #Mercedes-Benz Country: Turkey Reason: Clearly blocking with Dune and killing us all while playing NTS, I got 2 short videos and 2 screenshots, please have a look and I hope for a strict action taken against him. gta_sa 2016-03-03 14-21-54-45.avi gta_sa 2016-03-03 14-22-07-85.avi
  3. Server: MIX Server Map name: [NTS] Markers 2 Reason: Clearly it can be seen the bugs of markers, I don't know if it only to me, but it seriously its something irritating. (Sorry for such nice quality, but still clearly visible) gta_sa 2016-03-03 12-29-44-92.avi gta_sa 2016-03-03 12-30-16-05.avi
  4. COMPLAINT - MIX SERVER In-game Name: [VYTKA]Narkasas's Country: Lithuania Reason: Clearly blocking with a truck who has left all checkpoints and just came infront of finish line to block. I hope the screenshots are fine since Fraps wasn't ready for me to record a proper video. I expect blocker mode for atleast a day or more.
  5. Server: MTA MIX Server Map name: Prisoner v5 (Might be a problem in other maps as well) Reason: The vote came for a Nuke at random, but it dropped nuke on Cena who was actually away. Its clearly visible in the chat about the vote and the TAB screenshot about the Nuke and Cena.
  6. I guess I might be wrong to reply, but still its not a bug. You need to control your speed to win, otherwise the map is too simple.
  7. My god, I can't see the image neither the proper table like earlier with this new forum :\
  8. Thanks there @DubStep
  9. Sometimes it counts but most of the time it doesn't. I'm not really into codes and stuff so barely know about them. If its fixable well and good else god helps us.
  10. Hello, its really painful when you kill someone in /duel and you don't get the kill many times in the session. This should be please put as bug on GitHub @MADKILLER! @AleksCore I hope it gets fixed soon.
  11. Thanks everybody for your luck and wishes. Hoping for a positive result.
  12. Gameserver: MTA San Andreas - MIX Server Age: 16 (Turning 17 in Feb) Country of origin: India Link to Steam Community profile *: kunvarjit21 (I guess it isn't needed for MTA) Minecraft name **: N/A Ingame name: CnT|Gunner21 or Kebab (Sometimes) Little something about your self and why you think you're fit to be admin: Hello, my real name is Kunvarjit Singh. I'm currently living in New Delhi, India. For now, I'm in my last year of high school and turning towards college soon. As of subjects, I'm looking forward to become a Mechanical Engineer. My hobbies are like playing basketball, lawn tennis, ofcourse, PC. The usual games I play are CS 1.6, CSGO, CoD 4, MTA. I'm kinda used to photoshop as well. But mostly I play MTA. As of MTA Career, I started MTA in March 2011. But wasn't really know about Racing/MIX servers and started with Cops n Robbers server. I played like 2 years while it had roleplay, races, jobs, etc. Then I moved on and found Mr.Green Gaming and started on race server and then turned to mix where I found it more fun than server. Probably, journey of Mr.Green Gaming started with joining KR - Megaz and soon turned to CnT - Cena. Its like more than a year or so, I've been registered with Mr.Green Gaming and playing. As of admin, I believe i've gained much trust of players and I will prove myself to the fullest of my capability. I can easily handle tasks and independently. I'm also active even though I'm AFK, I'm still watching over the screen. I know you guys might not be convinced of me as you might think I didn't contribute much to forums, IRC,etc. I rather have fun and enjoy the server with others and shall do my duties, tasks and responsibilities I will get as an admin/moderator. I should be unbiased and treat all equally after getting such position or so. Last but not the least, thanks for reading and I hope for positive results. Thank you
  13. So today this happened. I happened to kill the opponent team flag holders thrice and one of them was Masculan from Ocn clan, I can understand the anger-ness and rage, but you just can't got talk about any of the parents. I expect a valid reason why he shouldn't be punished, I know most of the people might be his friend, but i don't really care, what is wrong is wrong. Here's the album where I got all the three flag holders and here is what he said: http://imgur.com/a/TNz4u
  14. Server: MIX Server Map name: Cross KTK Reason: Bugged at few places. Provide screenshot or video if possible: Well there are few bugs at the places where you just fall even there's a block of big block. (Sorry can't take SS/Video @ right place)
  15. Thanks for your help guys, I've already tried them. One thing I've figured out that I can move in air with car now in SH but setting my bind as you said to RMB or LMB I can't do it then. Many of the people the server easily can just by setting a bind convenient to them. But I can't. Thanks for your help guys, I've already tried them. One thing I've figured out that I can move in air with car now in SH but setting my bind as you said to RMB or LMB I can't do it then. Many of the people the server easily can just by setting a bind convenient to them. But I can't. Thanks for your help guys, I've already tried them. One thing I've figured out that I can move in air with car now in SH but setting my bind as you said to RMB or LMB I can't do it then. Many of the people the server easily can just by setting a bind convenient to them. But I can't. Thanks for your help guys, I've already tried them. One thing I've figured out that I can move in air with car now in SH but setting my bind as you said to RMB or LMB I can't do it then. Many of the people the server easily can just by setting a bind convenient to them. But I can't.
  16. Hello Community, I'll be straight forward. I can't move/bend my car in air in SH Rounds on MIX Server. But I can bend/move in other NTS, RTF or anyother stuff while in air/jump but particularly not in SH. I tried reset my binds, binded to mouse and keyboard, even reinstalled MTA and GTA if any bug or error but nothing seem to resolve the problem. I've asked almost every person possibly for a reasonable cause and answer and its weird for all. I guess I can get the answer from here. Thanks in-advance CnT|Gunner21
  17. Server: RACE Map name: PCH Parkour - Pachanga Reason: The ramp/road is bugged, no one can finish the race, also there isn't anyother way. http://pasteboard.co/1o5JBXcs.png
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