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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Laca

  1. In-game nickname: Laca Age: 19 Country of origin: Czech Republic Past MIX clans (if you've ever been in one): CnT, LaP, KuT, BtV, thats some year ago now im solo How long have you been playing on MrGreen: 4 years with some timeouts (like 1 year pause) but now im everyday online :-) Tell us why do you want to join our clan: -ll- already said
  2. Laca


    Idk how but somehow after 30 mins again worked ty anyway
  3. Laca


    Hello, i can be in race but cant join mix i dont know why, i tried uninstall,install restart even whole comp, 3x from f2 and lobby, nothing worked everytime Error [CC23] screens:
  4. Laca


    Hello, I just wanted to ask because I have about 18.6 € on paysafecard that I could give you, so I would give it to you, but I see that there is only payment for a paypal/ credit card, so did you think about adding a paysafecard payment? If so, that would be great, so i will keep that for mrgreen. Have a good day
  5. mix Sultan race <3
  6. sweet 1/10
  7. Laca


    when Shadow, etc these mexico,columbia,peru etc countries joins main chat is spammed by their language and if anyone say 1 sentence in turkish he got mute :-)
  8. @Criss Elena sexy
  9. 5/10
  10. Thanks boyka,selim
  11. thanks skyline :-)
  12. thanks dub,rew,virus
  13. 3/10
  14. 6/10
  15. thanks
  16. Gameserver: Mix Age: 19 in 28th of april 1999 Country of origin: Czech republic Link to Steam Community profile *: Im not really using steam that much, but ok.. -http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/, btw i will buy more games later Discord name **: Laca#2903 Ingame name: Laca Little something about your self and why you think you're fit to be admin: There is aloooot to say but... something important is for example, i am very active in game, so i would be able to solve hoses between players or just mute spammers/insulters, etc, everybody know how to use translate google, so.. i can just easy find anything what anyone wrote in for example turkish and find out if its insult, also warning about english only in main chat, also i would use /votekick for bugged/not ready players in dd/sh and marking blockers in nts.. for sure about me something.. hm i think my english is like 9/10 also i can speak cz language and france... if there will be any newbie..that will need help for example in f3 ye, i can just again use google translate.. I got lot of expiriences about this, i was 1 of staff in 1 game already, so im 24/7 online in staff groups like skype/discord whatever you want me to use, also forums, i was working alot with forums when i was staff. thats all important you need to know i think.. Something about me: so im Martin, czech guy 19yo (almost).. I am studying Architecture in 1 of best czech schools, I live without parents with my older sister (21yo). Mrgreengreen i started play since 2014.. now i became much better, so i can say im good player.. maybe im not that pro like others but im really not bad.. i know every1 from mix, maybe someones from race. also im very kind to others, if they are to me. i am communicative and adapted.. Thanks for reading Dear Laca
  17. Interesting, good luck :-)
  18. 5/10
  19. 7/10
  20. 8/10
  21. 3/10 but maybe for me, for example i dont like Iphones...
  22. Laca


    Will i get banned for this? lol renaldas saiyng, mad told me post on forums but i think its nothing for ban lol, its just ram, and btw what i did to renaldas, the same he did to Ikis like 5 sec before :-), instead of this kid renaldas ikis was not crying like him
  23. Im not traitor
  24. 3/10 but........... 10/10 for that sexy lady
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