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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Laca

  1. Agree, delete that please
  2. Good luck
  3. I would send them but i got too many of them
  4. Yo, i can make it for anyone free, have a good day
  5. Laca

    MIX: Matoosh

    Good luck
  6. Laca


    Guy called ferf676 ingame, pm me on forums please, thanks.
  7. You dont have to apply for them, you need to wait also, gl again
  8. I think promotion should come by itself, not that you ask for that but... GL xd
  9. You are moderator now?
  10. Raise fps limit to 30 back
  11. Stfu guizada, why should we inventing these issues, sometimes just super jump doesnt work.. look how many ppl is agreeing with that, including me btw, bb
  12. ??
  13. Nice joke, made my day
  14. Gl Cena
  15. Still not fixed?
  16. so whats the final decision please
  17. I dont think there is many players in morning, when you said, there is lot of spammers/blockers etc, in the morning its dead here
  18. L@c@
  19. Race - some kebab map Mix - I'm back from Rias
  20. But thats the point of that, others doesnt even have reroll perk, this will be the same like reroll perk but little bit upgraded
  21. Jump in nts? Cool, new tops1 are incoming, it will 100% give you some sc on any map
  22. Civan became mod, now everyone will try to apply for mod lol... Anyway, good luck
  23. Filip has same problem
  24. Laca


    There was bug yesterday, online players changed randomly account with other players that were (away) so they were kicked and Filip was 1 of them, then he joined in game and his account have been reseted.
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