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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by geeky

  1. JP is changing his PC in march he says and he can't rememer his email and password. can we somehow tell him the password so he keeps all his pjs and stuff?
  2. geeky

    Unban geeky

    thank u :-)
  3. also, i'd like to appeal the ban of another player, who told me he wasnt airbreaking, and i believe him, and i guess it was cuz of his v high ping, even higher than mine, he goes by the name of MADKILLER! or ASTONMARTIN. his was a few days ago. the game is multi theft auto 1. Your ingame name 2. Date of your ban 3. Who banned you (only if you know who) 4. Reason why you got banned (only if you know why) 5. Reason why we should unban you 1. MADKILLER! or ASTONMARTIN 2. a few days ago 3. console, i think 4. airbreaking!? 5. says he didnt do it
  4. geeky

    Unban geeky

    This is me on Multi theft auto. 1. Your ingame name 2. Date of your ban 3. Who banned you (only if you know who) 4. Reason why you got banned (only if you know why) 5. Reason why we should unban you 1. geeky 2. today 3. console 4. dunno 5. didnt do it! Hi, two minutes ago i was banned from the mta left4green server. i wasnt doing anything wrong, took me completely by surprise. i've been playing for ages, and suddenly it happened. the console did it i think it may have confused airbreaking for a slow connection. my ping is 300... thanks.
  5. Hi, two minutes ago i was banned from the mta left4green server. i wasnt doing anything wrong, took me completely by surprise. i've been playing for ages, and suddenly it happened. the console did it i think it may have confused airbreaking for a slow connection. my ping is 300... also, i'd like to appeal the ban of another player, who told me he wasnt airbreaking, and i believe him, and i guess it was cuz of his v high ping, even higher than mine, he goes by the name of MADKILLER! or ASTONMARTIN. his was a few days ago. thanks.
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