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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Villeneuve

  1. Yo, I'm back on! Glad you still here! 👍

    1. Villeneuve


      Just checked out the race server, it's constantly with ***NETWORK TROUBLE*** Can't play like this... 😭

    2. r0cK


      OMG you are back! Just like you disappeared into nothing a few years ago!

    3. r0cK


      It's been 4 years man! Gosh time flies

  2. I know MegasXLR for quite some time now I even watched the show on CartoonNetwork in my teen years, he is a good lad. +1 from me.
  3. I choose "Ferrari Enzo" !!
  4. Website | Youtube Channel TDU (Test Drive Unlimited) - PC Gameplay &color1=0x234900&color2=0x4e9e00&border=1">&color1=0x234900&color2=0x4e9e00&border=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="660" height="405"> Please leave a comment, choose and vote what is the Ferrari we should drive next! (Description of the vehicles to choose are in the end of the video)
  5. The only thing I regret here in MrGreen, is not finding this server a lot sooner in my life... Anyways 9 Years............ That's a wonderful achievement, congratulations from my behalf!
  6. Villeneuve


  7. Website | Youtube Channel RF (Rfactor) - PC Gameplay &color1=0x234900&color2=0x4e9e00&border=1">&color1=0x234900&color2=0x4e9e00&border=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="660" height="405"> [Our gameplay is recorded by any clan member of SF&, with the finest honesty, truth and fun. Recreating real life scenarios, without the help of "restarts" or any "flashbacks" along the way, "feeling the real deal" when taking chances or faced with dangers, so our driving is kept at the most realistic way in terms of when we record it! So like in real life, there is no second chance for when an engine blows up.]
  8. You have the looks and style to be Admin. I'm vouching for you, good luck! P.S. I just f*cked up really hard on the last recording... When I tell you what happened you will laugh your ass off...
  9. Same here, I'm very grateful to discover such an amazing server, with awesome players around it!
  10. Yeah, I was top1 there and still am. My last map got rejected there because it was too long, It was under 5 minutes I even posted with proof. They have longer maps, but hate speaks louder, so they didn't cared about whatsoever, so I left. Since I felt a lack of judgement and justice from that specific player. Not fair in my opinion. And here in MrGreen, I didn't had one single problem with my maps, here everyone was friendly to me. And I was welcomed from the start, which I really am grateful for it. My computer specs are in the description of the video, the program I use is Fraps.
  11. So, I never made any official presentation about my clan, here it goes... SF& - Scuderia Ferrari & was born 07-08-2014 in the Multi Theft Auto Community. Founded by Luís Gomes a.k.a. SF&Villeneuve After having experience of a full decade in PC racing games, we continue to play with such passion despite the hardships that we suffered along the way, that we decided to explore and play even more racing games. Until today we fully support the Squadra in Formula 1, wishing many wins and new records for Scuderia Ferrari, since we are hardcore fans of the "prancing horse"! --- In our website, anyone can visit our members list, ex-members, and gameplays of the most famous and retro games that passed through the PC gaming history! --- A little extra, recorded today. Enjoy!
  12. Good luck!
  13. Villeneuve

    8 years

    Shame I didn't heard of this server a lot sooner, nevertheless... Congratulations MrGreen!
  14. Will do, thanks for the support!
  15. Hey thanks! Finally here in "MrGreenGaming", I don't have any problems regarding my own maps.
  16. And does the race server has like a clan manager? For example in separate groups? Unfortunately not, i'm also in a clan but it isnt advanced, just carrying my tag with my friends. Any plans for the future? Would be really great to see such idea implemented into the race server. I agree with you, i don't really know what plans Ywa (founder) has Alright, thanks for the help! Will start playing at "MrGreenGaming" from now on. Also do you guys accept race maps that have 4:43:899 ?
  17. And does the race server has like a clan manager? For example in separate groups? Unfortunately not, i'm also in a clan but it isnt advanced, just carrying my tag with my friends. Any plans for the future? Would be really great to see such idea implemented into the race server.
  18. And does the race server has like a clan manager? For example in separate groups?
  19. Hi all, I would like to know the following, is it possible to create my own SF& clan inside the "MrGreenGaming" race server? http://scuderiaferrarimta.weebly.com/ Best Regards, Villeneuve
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