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Mr. Green Gaming


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  1. I'd say 6/10 because of how all the instruments interact dynamically. They mostly play on the same octave, not having much dynamic in the song besides the one guitar/synth. Also the voice is too soft and boring. But apart from that its good http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LPajZ0074Ks
  2. It's "debating" dumbass
  3. Ixnay

    The golden list

  4. You like rape. Creepy Anyway, good luck. Who said anything about "liking"? I just said I felt like one. :<
  5. I gotta admit, I didn't expect all this flattery. I feel like a 12-year old, blonde choir-boy in the vatican!
  6. Gameserver: Zombie Panic! Source Age: 23 Country of origin: Norway Link to SteamCommunity profile *: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561197965013263 Link to Xfire profile **: Ain't got one. Little something about your self and why you think you're fit to be admin: I've been on Mr. Green now for about 2-3 months or so, I believe. I think some of you have gotten to know me, or at least get a decent impression of who I am. I am very active on IRC, where I spend quite a bit of time, and I try to be active on forums. I enjoy discussing (anything), and I always try to remain objective and logical. I never take sides, and I try seeing it from both sides. I don't insult people, and I am always happy. I enjoy playing games for fun, and I enjoy playing a balanced game, preferably a challenging one. Considering the responsibility of being an admin, I have several previous experiences. The main of these was three years ago, when three friends from Norway, and mysel started a CS 1.6 community ( RustyGun), which after less than 10 months was ranked top #4 non-modded cs server in Norway. I am a strict rule-follower, I dont treat people differently (people I know v people I dont) and I never abuse my powers. After about a year with this server, we had to shut it down. When this happened it joined our neighbouring community (Dot.Org) as an admin, where I was admin for about 6 months before I got tired of CS and resigned. I was known as the strictest admin regarding insults and trolling etc. and I never got any complaints. Lastly I was admin on another community, but I left this one because of my disagreements on how they ran it. Never had any complaints there either.
  7. Yeah, and you tend to not be losing anyways, so my point is still valid. You're usually on winning team when I play with you.
  8. I've seen everyone has an opinion on this. However, what intrigues me is that the people who dont mind the upgrades usually specify a very optimal situation where "one player does this, another does this, and a third does this, working perfectly together as a team". This tend to happen indeed, but there are some aspects to this First: Said persons are obviously all very skilled, and know teamplay. Usually the team with these players are the winning team. Usually the other team doesent play as much teamplay. So the trouble begins when this team with the three good players also get the medic with quicker ubercharge. You might say "its just a challenge", but a challenge is not fun unless its easy possible to overcome, and most of the situations are virtually impossible for people that come to have a "random play" without training their mad clan-skillz. I am sticking up for the average gamer (noob - mid), and if you want it to be a pro server for pro people with pro skillz, thats up to you. I just feel its a bit immoral to give the opportunity of better skills by earning gc (by being god, I imagine[not by time spent playing]) or by donating. Good players get the GC quicker, and the bad players tend not to donate because they dont stick around long enough. And yes, I enjoy a challenge, but when I play a map and get killed 6-7 rounds in a row by the same medic/heavy team always with uber, no matter what I do, thats annoying. But I'm probably a noob, so what do I know, right? I only play to have fun, not to be better than anyone else. PS: And what is the normal charging-speed for ubercharge? 1 per second if they're maxed out? I dont think its much more. Maybe 1.5/secon. Doesent that extra +1% per second give i a 50-100% increase in chargerate? thats the difference between once every 100 seconds and once every 50 seconds. and all for just infinite hours of gameplay, OR 6 euros! (I've played quite some time, and I only got 800)
  9. Guess im not playing tf2 on green when medics like them are present then.
  10. So yeah. I was playing tf2 arena today, and I met this heavy + medic combo that played non-stop for three maps. The medic had this really annoyingly quick uber-charge, which kinda ruins aspects of the game. My reasoning is this: If an ability originally includes the playerskills nessesary to stay alive for long enough to recharge loses its delay, then people wont have to care much about surviving. This means that they will instantly rush, uber, kill and win. There isnt much that can handle this in a public server, especially when people tend to WTJ a bit (this is speculation on my part, due to the team having this M+H combo usually being the stacked one, and always leading x to 0) The easiest way to counter this tactic is, SURPRISE! the same tactic. Buy your medic-upgrade, never do anything else, and start your uber 3 seconds after the enemy. But this isnt ideal, is it? If an added skill makes several aspects of the game (like other classes, and especially other medics) less than what they were intended to be (read: more or less balanced) then other people will tend to go toward the same tactic. Why the hell would we want to play tf2 if we all gonna play same tactic? The fun for me in this game was to constantly try to come up with new ways for me to survive stuff I had trouble with. I enjoyed meeting a heavy + medic combo before they got UC ready, but with this skill its impossible. Now I basically cant do anything unless I camp. Camp and wait for uber to go away or whatever. But camping is boring, lame, and is not fun for anyone else in the server. This is also something that happened quite a bit during these few maps. The opposing team ended up huddled together near their spawn, only to be overrun by the enemy who clearly had the upper hand, and ALL thanks to 6 euros. Fucked up? This gives a whole new meaning to "buy skillz @ ebay". This is exactly what it is. You buy stuff in order to be better ingame, and not worry so much. And for all you people who whine about crits: This is making the game less balanced than the crits. My opinion: remove it, and instead make the uber last 5 seconds longer or something. Or make it regen ammo. Do anything, just not shorter ubercharge-wait.
  11. Gravity, footsteps, and all that are also things you can turn on/off
  12. Hi guys. I just voted "yes for crits". Personally, I am NOT a fan of the random crit. However, there are some benefits to this aspect of the game. First of all, it gives that extra edge for any game. People with low HP will still try to win, and people with high skill wont be dominating the game all the time. Its randomness might be arguably bad concerning skills and all that, but a game is a game, and if you're not having fun playing unless youre winning, you shouldnt play multiplayer game. Instead of looking how it negatively impacts YOUR gaming and YOUR score, look at the incidents. They're usually quite shocking, and if you dont mind dying, they can be quite entertaining aswell. Yes, random crits are not part of "skills" but if we only had skills, we wouldnt get any new players due to gap in skills. Finally: its part of the game. Remove one aspect of a game, and it wont be the same. And once you pave way for removing this, whats next? compressed air? demoknight? uber? kritzkrieg? If you start taking aaway parts of the game you dont like, you will pretty soon end up with a shell of a server with only a handfull of "pros" playing.
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