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Mr. Green Gaming


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  1. Thx, but doesnt work... any link to a page that have a resipe?
  2. « Crew Clavus: Are you getting my message at all? Next time I'm raising your warn level. »
  3. « Crew Clavus: Get out. Don't bump topics that don't concern you. »
  4. Hey there. Want to tell, that i find ur new server (Mix server) pretty fun and a cool server. Just like the racing server... Specially luv the NTS maps wich i find pretty fun. But it have some issues. Everytime we play, there is some lame one, ruining it by blocking, or killing if they got tank... Some names... Epica, Eblan, RGD, Kollegah and many more. I know that they are great players, so why they do it, is out of my head... Now, im not requesting any bans or somting. But have an idea to help this issue. (if it is possible) Im thinking, that as it is now, if ur afk for 3 minutes u will get kicked from server. Can it be done so, that there wille be a limit to reach next cp? Like 30-45 sec. And after that u will get kicked from server. Now im only thinking it on mixed server NTS maps. That would get rid of those who ruins the game for others... Fudge...
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