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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by besweeet

  1. I get those weird graphics glitches all the time. Looking around in all directions usually clears it up for a while for me.
  2. Roove 4th . Glad to see people taking my place well while I'm AFK for a while.
  3. So do I but I don't think anything will replace the OG MTA mix & race.
  4. Well, this isn't MTA, but close enough for now: https://gta-mp.net/
  5. Well that's good then . You are my 4TH replacement while I'm gone.
  6. I do think about MTA a lot while playing GTA V actually.
  7. Please excuse the resolution... Had it running in a window while other things were going on.
  8. I played MTA for maybe 20 minutes this past week. All GTA V's fault.
  9. No more blatant advertising, folks.
  10. Someone should make one of these for Mr. Green players:
  11. besweeet


    This is kind of like pondfiller's unreleased map... You might as well call the map "/dislike pls."
  12. I like some of their custom wheels: AND WHO WILL WIN?! http://youtu.be/O7R3SxsqOFs
  13. besweeet


    "Titten.rar" lol
  14. Reminds me of Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 2 cheat codes.
  15. besweeet


    Add color changing sky. That'll do it. Unless the map is hipnoze in which case it's the coolest thing ever. Every other map is bad.
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