Umm, excuse me? You weren't even on IRC after that situation happened, when we (including BinSlayer) sorted it all out. You apparently ran off like a little chicken with its head cut off. Maybe you should've been there. Also, try checking out the chat logs. I never said the admins were useless. I said they were POINTLESS because of their lack of, for the lack of a better word, responsibility. Anyway, I've administrated on MANY different servers for MANY different games. I'm still a lead administrator on xXx Stunt-Landia, a fairly popular SA:MP server. I was on for about 30 minutes a little earlier today, and banned 5 people and kicked 12 for breaking the rules. The MTA server doesn't seem to be quite the challenge, but I'll treat it evenly. Anyway, I'll add the IRC channel to my IRC apps. And by apps, I mean Colloquy on OS X (and my iPhone) and all my other ones. I use Windows and Linux throughout the day as well to do whatever.