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Mr. Green Gaming


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Posts posted by besweeet

  1. The thing that makes you play at all, to get GreenCoins and unlock perks/buy maps are those prices. It's like the paintjob perk, it costs a lot (15000 GC), but when you finally get it you're really satisfied and you keep playing hard to get more GCs and buy other perks, also earn them for the new exchange method (GC > €) that would be in coming this year.


    Having GC and things to buy with them keeps people coming and earning more (in addition to the good maps, the people, etc.).

  2. Will the server take the bet? Or will it be a pool bet within betting players? I don't think the server taking bets would be a good idea, specially since the upcoming gc to real money thing. How's it gonna be?

    A pool within betting players makes the most sense IMO.

  3. If you place a bet on a 4th ranked player (if you mean that), that would be an easier way to win GC. For example, you have 50000 GC, and you bet it all to the 4th to 'x' player (x player is your friend) and you tell him to suicide when 5th already died. You can be doing always this method, also your friend, just telling him, 'I bet on you, you suicide, and the next round you bet on me and I'll suicide' 

    Bettings will be only for 1st ranked player.

    That same logic can be applied to the regular /bet for 1st...

  4. Have a few clan members and they'll figure out a way to do so.

    It wasn't my idea to wait for gc trading though.

    That's what I figured. Double-edged sword? Could see how things play out at first and then implement those things later?

  5. (I think I might've posted something like this here before, but can't find it, so maybe I didn't?)

    For people who are dead in SH or DD and are waiting on others to finish, people can /bet name amount on who they think will win. People who get it right will get a share of the GC based on how much people put into the pot. And maybe add a /bet4th for fun?

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