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Mr. Green Gaming


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oDi_W last won the day on September 30 2014

oDi_W had the most liked content!

About oDi_W

  • Birthday 10/14/1992

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    Low orbit
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oDi_W's Achievements

  1. It's been a long time

    1. AfuSensi


      i shouldn't have left you, without a strong rhyme to step to

    2. theMOROCCANguy
  2. oDi_W

    new map

    If the age on your profile's correct, you're sixteen. You come from a country that uses English as it's primary language. I'm struggling to see why you have such an aversion to punctuation? You acknowledge the existence of full stops (period) at the end of your soliloquy, but you have no love for his tailed cousin, the comma. I'm not asking for a literary masterpiece. Just some basic structure to your posts so they are presented in a way that is readable. Any job you will ever apply for from here on out will require you to be able to write properly. So if not for us, do it for your future brah. Sorry i just dont have the patience if that is spell correctly to add thos. I'm a bad typer and if i type with punctuation i type very slowly. From now on ill take my time typing, and weren't you off topic? Dont you have to stay on topic in the forums. sorry many times over. ill try my best to have good grammar. English is a weak topic for me. He doesn't have to be ontopic. Plus, grammar corrections in a friendly manner is, in my opinion, always relevant to the discussion which is being discussed in a discussion. Also, i dont see the real reason to complete change the whole system. The only real problem i can find is that lag could cause a lot of irritation. I agree that since the Minecraft server has been added to the server public server collection of Mr.Green, i noticed a a fair amount of childish users on this forum. But hey, the last time i played on the server was like a year ago. So actually everything i just said was complete pointless since i do not have a good perspective of the situation. Also, check my profile to see what an oldfag i am in this community. Or ask Ywa. Or Clavus. Or NECCROSIN. Or Mr. Darkness.
  3. Those gun sounds are so awesome! i can't wait to finally buy the game
  4. If you can, try to make all of the cable go under the floor. If you can't go beneath the wall's you are forced to go above the ceiling. Or, if you have a "power measure closet" (dutch: meterkast) you can try to let your cable go up to the designated floor. And go beneath the floor to your room. then you can let it pop outt where ever you want. Hope this gives you some ideas!
  5. Since it stopped, the Admin can (if i'm right) delete all the other flaming posts. Just suggesting. I like MW2. It gives me lots of gaming fun. And since i like FPS games i'll buy both MW3 and BF3. I'm looking forward to play both!
  6. Wait. So BF33 is still a beta even after a release? An Official release so to speak?
  7. So a man comes at the docter. Doctor: will you clean it up?
  8. Happy Birthday :D

  9. Why doesnt my school let me use the FTP port...

    1. terminator


      maybe its broken :\

  10. Next time don't put it on wood. Put it on the special ESD plastic that came with your card. Other than that, Nice looking card you got there!
  11. Or, run this script i made to lower my ping. it adds 2 new rules in the registery; TCPNoDelay and TcpAckFrequenty. here is a tut about it: Here is the script if you trust me enough or are very lazy: lowerping.zip The same TUT is includes in the zip.(make you scan the zip file first just to be sure)
  12. oDi_W


    inb4lock inb4delete inb4spam
  13. oDi_W


  14. oDi_W


    goroundfix10.mp4 is funny :') from what did you remix it?
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