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Posts posted by FilipeAzevedo

  1. If it was too fast then it should not be considered as a blocker but a rammer,

    He also gave me rammer the same way, you see, and did nothing against him ...

    To my knowledge, blocker is only when a player is blocking another player's passage,

    What I did was throw it aside, which is considered normal, and TheMocoronJOB was also ramming

    What I did was a simple rammer, but you are the boss of the server, do what you want on the server, I just hope the other moderators are not like you,

    You can close the thread, thanks

    Sry my bad english

    Good Game 😁

  2. I have a doubt.

    I just took a BLOCKER from a Moderator for ramming a friend of his,

    So can I report if someone gives me a rammer?

    It also has no blocker print, because there is no block,

    Has the rule changed? Can Rammer now mark as block?

    I never block anyone, just rammer, the server ADMIN, he uses the rammer on me,

    Congratulations to the Moderator, always have some bad server :)


    just a question 😄

    Sry my bad english

  3. Ever thought, a child of 10 years being moderator🤣🤣 I do not understand anything that this child speaks🧐

    It is trister to see a child without education😢

    Sry my bad english, Good Game 😄



  4. 9 minutes ago, JagdTiger said:

    Cena, or whoever is or will try to get things clear - sorry for responding this topic with many posts, honest opinions are on top, steam keeps posting words that are worthless to read even but i just cant leave it like that, hope u understand and not be angry about my stupid decidion to respond him :) .

    Many thanks for staying quiet,

    if you are in doubt, if you are in doubt, just type /ignore Ste@m, which I thank you very much 😁

  5. 18 minutes ago, JagdTiger said:

    lol tudo o que vc pode fazer é chamar todo mundo - garoto, criança. Você não respondeu ou se defendeu, eu acho que você não tem provas suficientes para dizer que a maina não está certa então por favor nem fale aqui, você está perdendo tempo para todo mundo ler o que você escreve, sem valor ...

    Sorry, I only talk or defend myself with people who are worth it, you, it's nothing here, register as admin or mod, so I can give you attention.

    As already done, I showed my prints and the admin already did what determines the rules.

    And you should read the rules of the server, apparently, you do not know any.

    Do not waste my time on insignificant people.
    Thank you child, good game, do not forget, you always study 😁

  6. 24 minutes ago, JagdTiger said:

    vc não respondeu meu post em tudo garoto, vc provocou ele a dizer palavras que ele disse pra vc por pm e vc diz que agora ele destruiu a diversão de outros jogadores por ele mandando vc mensagem privada que ninguem vê mesmo. 

     Ele tem melhor classificação de confiança do que você, u provocar todos e muitos ppl acho que você é arrogante por isso não importa se vc foi banido no passado, u trabalho para ppl pensar que você é grande pessoa o tempo todo. Não só os administradores decidem sobre banir ou silenciar, então a opinião dos jogadores também é importante e você fala com a maioria das pessoas: st * u, garoto, chora, por que o seu índice de confiança é muito menor que o dele e Anthony não deveria reagir ao seu relatório.

    And what do I have to do with it? if he has greater confidence than I do, I do not care. I'm not going to waste my time talking to you.

    I never took banishment, I never took mute, I never had problems with administrators, that's enough

    Child, take care of your game, you have nothing to do with it child, good game okay? 😀

  7. 6 hours ago, JagdTiger said:

    maina é um velho bom membro da comunidade de mrgreen, a maioria das pessoas gosta dele e sabe que ele não está se referindo normalmente, foi apenas uma ação de muitos que não aconteceram. Minha opinião honesta é Maina não merece proibição a todos, o vapor é normalmente provocando ppl e ele viu uma piada de maina, bcs não era puro insulto apenas bcs ele não disse nada pessoal, apenas palavras vazias, ele sabia que era uma piada, mas ele pode Não tome essa oportunidade para denunciar alguém de quem ele talvez não goste. Espero que você entenda a situação. Você não pode levar os relatórios a sério, apenas uma ação engraçada dele relatando tal "coisa".

    A good member who is always being denounced? a player who has already taken a ban?

    So can I offend everyone and say it was a joke?

    Did I tease without speaking English?

    I do not care that they offend me, I know they are just kids, but offending all the time, it disrupts the fun of other players 

    Sorry my bad english😁


    2 hours ago, ChickenAttack said:

    Maina has a better track record than Steam as far as insults go. I don't have memories of Maina saying 'kid' and 'noob' all the time but I do of Steam. The only small problem with maina was when he took advantage of nitro spilling his admin password in the chat and then bought SH maps for some time, but other than that he's always been a nice guy. I don't think he deserves a ban at all.


    What he said wasn't racist for same reason it wasn't against mentally handicapped, because he was looking to only insult Steam and those are the standard insults you use when you insult. And it was also after Steam had insulted him. Sure he shouldn't have done it, but steam shouldn't have told him kid. Or alternatively, a better option would be for both to insult each other and not act all indignant, but that's always a fine line between what really harms other people and what really is just spiralling fake umbrage.



    'fucked up server with fucked up new admins'


    well duh what do you think he'll say if he gets banned for 2 months, for insulting u after u insult him first with ''kid'' and ''cry'' your standard insults. No excuses my ass

    Does he have a better track record than me? Well, I never took BAN, never took mute, I was never quoted here in the forum. Yes he

    If I insulted someone, why did not they report me here on the forum?

    Let the scene take care of this, thanks for the tention 😁

  8. a FaP Admin was on the server, and he several times, used offense against the server and admin

    He's always offending the players, I'm not his friend, and I'm not his mother to offend me, so no excuses.

    @Cena is a serious admin, and I know he will do the best for the server

    Sorry my bad english

    good game 😆



  9. I took mute for speaking: This Portuguese gives me cancer

    I wrote in portuguese and the sandy player spoke to admin a lie, I took a mute of 2 days ...

    I want a picture of what I said to take mute...

    So abusing players is ugly ...

    Sandy insulting in Portuguese: vai tomar no seu cu hanry cU1jwI2.jpg

  10. I do not speak English

    Am I required to speak English?

    If it is, remove the server for those who speak Spanish and Portuguese...

    Thank you



  11. 10 seconds blocking, going back and forth, blocking the way, just so I do not pass, this is blocker, this is ugly, here this blocker photo...

    Always making an excuse for what you do wrong...

    You do it with several players, there's a 50 post from you, about blocker

    But lets the admin solve this...

  12. Blocker...

    It should already have about 50 posts of this (I do not know what it is) giving blocker...

    Sorry my English...

    Player: SandySweet








  13. 4 minutes ago, -DanizZ said:

    Eu estava no jogo quando ele ficou mudo ... e Steve continuou falando em sua língua, então o Behemoth queria que ele fale inglês, como regras, você deve fazer isso 

    Should you speak without knowing the language?
    If so, all will be mutated

  14. 24 minutes ago, NITROX said:

    Mute por falar Português? Isso é sério?

    Mano, ele me mutou por spam, sendo que ele ta em /ignore aqui, e olha o print, nem tem spam, ele ta abusando demais, deveriam tirar esse moderador dele, principalmente que ele é criança, vai fazer o servidor ficar bagunçado...

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