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Everything posted by FilipeAzevedo

  1. Captura de tela do Racismo Cara, você é um preto que deveria esta limpando o chão = Cara, você é um homem negro que deveria estar limpando o chão. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------He speaks Portuguese, has mutated a player by speaking Portuguese Horrible Moderator Should not give moderator for kids
  2. Spammer? Where is spam? He is a rascista, should take him as moderator They are / ignore, how can he mutate me Here is the screenshot sequence, where is the spam? Just delay the game, it's abuser, it's lagger, if you can do something, thank you Sorry bad english... Player/Moderator: Behemoth Where is spam? Putting a racist as moderator is bad for the server, should remove... Thank you
  3. All right, you can block the topic, thank you.
  4. Thank you, I'll try to record a video next time.
  5. Response from a racist? Your response is useless, I only accept response from an administrator ... Worry more about your game, please, thank you. Good afternoon...
  6. Blocker... Player: CnT JanseeJr He said he blocked me.
  7. Vou aprender doente, mais obrigado pela dica
  8. FilipeAzevedo


    Why am I mutated? What did I do ? If you can tell me the reason, thank you.
  9. Blocker Purpose ... Jogador: LoS Hemix
  10. Even though he is in /ignore, he still offends ... He's still a kid, but I'm not doing anything and he offends ... Do something ...
  11. Should be banned, always cause problems, and still have players, who defend these people, regrettable... Besides being racist... você é macaco = You are monkey
  12. I'm being educated, and you? Have more respect
  13. Next time, do not talk, post what I did, please ... I'm wasting time ... You can close this topic ...
  14. Don't not cry kid is insult ? I do not insult words... Several players have this bind... But that's it, good game
  15. Insults all the time... Not educated, much irritating... Every day... Do something, please... Player: Maina
  16. Player Sandy doing racism... calado macaco = Shut up monkey I just hope they do something...
  17. Can this Arnaldo? Blocker, In the end still... Player: BB|Insane
  18. Hindi language teri maa ki chut = Your mother's pussy
  19. CnT | MaFiaa. Insult the mother. Look, I did not insult him in any moment. I hope they do something.
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