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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Bring

  1. Bring

    Unban Kash

  2. Y they know, they dont unbanning u
  3. https://profession.com
  4. Go find a job u jobless
  5. She or he idk, just send songs she/he why dont get comment delete? xd I was send a public picture from him, and i got
  6. Why u deleted the video where u showed your messenger? We saw girls never write to you. Go change your "fuckING poor life" and loose your virginity, and dont talk anymore
  7. This is the answer
  8. When i reported u in March u send old videos too https://forums.mrgreengaming.com/topic/25870-kash-block/ U cant change your brain. U got 2 perma but you couldnt change, so u got 3rd perma :risitas:
  9. i think its decided
  10. I just said the truth. Its not insult, i just answered to your name. At least i dont clear this, like u when u want report someone.
  11. Seriously you write an unban ticket after the 3rd perma? Before when he got ban:
  12. Bring

    Kash +

    Your ingame name: Bring The player's name who you are reporting: Kash Which server are you requesting this?: DC, Race The reason why this player should get banned/muted: Just check this pictures, i know i'm not a saint either, but what he does is about with everyone is funny xp + he always comes with hard that he mutes everyone who is not with him, let's say that's true xd
  13. I thought its race server, not a fun server. Thats why dont come top players to this server.
  14. Bring

    Kash flame

    Your ingame name: Bring The player's name who you are reporting:Kash Which server are you requesting this?:Race The reason why this player should get muted: check the pictures
  15. Then delete NTS too, because if u want to gamble, then go mix, or buy lotto.
  16. Bring

    Kash block

    Please link more 2000 yrs old video. U report all time every player, but if we report u then u cry
  17. Bring

    Kash block

    Your ingame name: Bring The player's name who you are reporting: Kash Which server are you requesting this? Race The reason why this player should get banned: https://youtu.be/_PkxBglLDW4
  18. Your ingame name: Bring The player's name who you are reporting: Kash Which server are you requesting this?: Mr. Green-race The reason why this player should get banned: he only being toxic and racist.
  19. Why u dont show what are u doing? Example in 3rd video u blocked me 10 secs ago, why you don't show it ?
  20. Yes, i'm hungarian, and he said: "smelly bitch,motherfucker let him die " second PM: "make your family cancer you dog" .
  21. I dont understand you when you blocked me in this map 1 min ago when i said "..." it was not trouble, but when you are blocked or push it already trouble? Nice mentality.
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