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Mr. Green Gaming


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  1. Hi I think our server should have Texture for Derby mode. With texture it look more professional and estetic I've prepared a texture for example ( attached file ) It could be it or something other. If you want show your proposition, just download my texture.zip and open file texture.txd by TXDworkshop Then you can replace your image for texture ( two images from top ) Texture.zip
  2. Now we have to wait when somescripter will do this maybe @AleksCore
  3. @Race no, but I know this game Seriously I took it from Lego Racers and there is trap " Mummy's Curse" which do the same what I proposed
  4. thank you
  5. Hi You can write a script which will change players controls for a while ( when player press A then turn right and when press D turn left ) and it can durate 10 second for exaple It will be really funny thing
  6. yea really annoying bugs
  7. Hmm Tops idea is good but not who captures the flag the quickest but How many flags player captured on map Then all players all think will be fighting And we need fresh maps
  8. Why not. I think all of us should vote
  9. Hello Why we have gamemode CTF hmm ?? A lot of players think it's waste of time and it's boring. Nobody never vote play again after CTF mode. It proves that. I think server will be more attractive without CTF Guys tell us on this topic what do you think about it ? Yes or No for CTF
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