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Mr. Green Gaming


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Platin last won the day on February 9 2018

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About Platin

  • Birthday 06/07/2000

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    Montevideo, Uruguay
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    Gaming, Anime, Modding, Scripting

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  1. Well, i talk in the most respectfull way i could. Why I would lick any ass when i don't even play that often? Don't proyect on me dude, you are the one that made the post defending the users banned because they are old players (wich is no excuse), not me. I'll left it here, if you don't want to listen I understand, you are angry. Good luck with that, but really you are making it worse than it's.
  2. I don't care about the users banned, I care about what you stand up for. You cant just think that the staff a community that is literally open-source will think on just being corrupt and doing whatever they want. Don't like that player cuz he is hispanic (4 example), PUM BAN. Also i didn't attack you, i give you an advice in a very polite way, and you took it to the other side. You say is a game and all, but then you are thinking about corruption, on a game, that has no sense. Trust me when I say that I know what I'm talking about. I just can't stand players that really think this kind of things, this community isn't giving the admins the big houses and shit, they do it for fun, and they have been doing it for fun since a lot time ago. It's just disrespectfull, and not only for the staffs on this community, but for the staff on others communities too. Some of them take hours of their lives just for making the server don't go full crazy mode, and theards like this make it seem like it wasn't worth it.
  3. I don't know what really happend (really I just join MTA servers once in a while) but this is a public post on the forum, so i'm gonna say something for the staff, don't listen that much to the people. It's obvious that you don't want (as an admin) drop down the community you have been working for months or years just because you want to be 'corrupt', that's nonsense. The thing is that with some decisions people get angry because they got punished, and you surely already experienced that. Maybe you played on a jailbreak cs 1.6 server and did something wrong and got ban. You didn't want the punishment for it, but you have it, and it's likely that you are gonna get back to that server's forums and start saying things about the staff that really you didn't think until now. It's just normal, and we have seen it before, in all communities, no exception. But that's the price for it, you seek it and you gain it. Why can't you just play like other people do? Like, no causing problem whatsoever, being a nice guy. If that guy Sandy is ban is for a reason. The staff obviously knows that you like that guy a lot, so it was really necesary to get him banned, trust me. And it isn't even a permaban, is just temporal, he will be playing again probably sometime this year. Yeah, he didn't cheat if I have that correctly, but if people says that he is a pain in the ass, is for something. Theard guy, just think twice before making a post. I know you are maybe angry or sad cuz bans and shit, but the staffs are making the best for the community they seek, you know.
  4. I can help with that, didnt know this was open source. When I be able to find the files I'll make the changes. EDIT: File found, changed. I'll check about the letters on the checkpoint going out.
  5. I already know that, but it should not be happening and there is a form to repair this, cuz i have enough resolution to see like 4 or 5 rules. EDIT: Why 800x600 in 2018? I mean even phones got bigger resolution (I cant quote you for some reaseon) I use 800x600 windowed cuz i script a lot, and its really easy for me to just simply have a low resolution.
  6. I would recommend to use center coordinates and mantain width and height on that gui. Some of the DX have problems too, but these are usually with the fonts and sizes and not because bad relatives. For example i cant read this (i guess top is date and then my GC, that i can look on the right side) And this is outside, but doesn't really matter. EDIT: Also this happens
  7. Well, this happens when I play on 800x600, didnt test other resolutions
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