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Everything posted by lolmam
I wouldn't agree with that. I mean the whole thing of this server is about fun right? If you want some serious racing you can still go to the race server. Just see it like this if you get a vehicle with weapons you are the lucky one, if you don't well you aren't. But everyone has the same chance to get one. However the main problem with the blockers still exists and also so one Haig described. I hope this will be solved sooner or later .
I agree with you on that there is always one guy who is blocking ore something. And that is really very annoying! I think that's a nice idea, it would be grate if something like that would be possible .
Hi, I made two new NTS maps. Also I have a suggestion: What's about a possibility to vote maps, like you can do it on the race server? I think that could help to create better maps. just drive_nts.zip randOOOOm_nts.zip
typical that I forget something like that It should be fixed now Also I created another map a 'new' one good luck_ntsfixed.zip a random country trip_nts.zip
So I also created a NTS map. I hope I did everything right. If I have time the following week I'll create more good luck_nts.zip
After installing the update I haven't had any problems again so I think it is fixed. But of course I can't say sure Thanks for helping
Of course I mean a few that's embarrassing That I can fix it by restarting the game I already figured out, but I hoped that there is a permanent solution for it . However thank you for helping
This happened a view days ago the first time when the car changed to a bike: Suddenly the bike rotates very fast and is suddenly somewhere over the ocean. Also the today the chat text became blurred. A view minutes ago it also happened when the car changed to a boat. Also it does not happen every time only sometimes and on both servers on the race and also on the mixed server. Well so I have no idea were this could come from I haven't changed anything. Also I sometimes have the "Poor connection / download speed / packet loss" that "mr.dogshit" described a view month ago. Is it possible that is has something to do with that? I hope someone can help me
So this map is bugged. At one part of the map a lot of players (I'm not sure if everyone) are falling through the floor. This is now the second time this happend to me and I just thought I might report it so the map can be fixed or deleted, because it is impossible to finish it with the bug. Map name: Hipnoze server: MTA race P.s.: I hope the bug can be fixed because it's a really nice map
What if the team the flag belongs to could pick it up after,lets say, half of the 50 seconds and bring it back to there base. If they don't pick it up it will be returned after the full 50 seconds. And to make sure that no one just drives through the map with it without bringing it back, you could limit the time the player can hold it's own flag, for lets say 30 seconds or something like that. After that he dropps it. I think this could bring even more fun to the ctf mode.
And the next ones... beach fight_ctf.zip harbour hunt_manhunt.zip pipes_rtf.zip the village_manhunt.zip
And my next maps. But I'm not sure if the rtf map was a good idea... go down_rtf.zip So this is a farm_manhunt.zip take it back_ctf.zip
Well ok this is strange. I'm sure I did it the right way. But when I opend the map in the editor this time all spawnpoints were named NRG 1 or 2 or Hotknif 1 or two. Bug? However I set all of them new. It should be correct now if it isn't just forget about that map. ctf SF_ctf-2.zip
Ok this might be off topic, but is there still a left4green server at battlefield3? And if there is, how is it called or what is it's ip?
Well thats right, I haven't thought about that . So here are two more rtf and one ctf maps this time without any runways . car park_rtf.zip ctf SF_ctf.zip hurry_rtf.zip
and the next three maps WANTED_manhunt.zip faster_rtf.zip Grovestreet vs Ballas_ctf.zip
Ok one of every kind. I hope they are ok and I'm not sure if I understood the rft mode right... GET STUCK_rtf.zip Huntdown_manhunt.zip playhard-victim_ctf.zip
I made this two years ago. And somehow I have to say that I miss that old times where everyone crashes at the beginning of the race . But all in all BinSlayer is right. As a racing game it's much better like it is today.
When I started to play MTA a few years ago there was a server that was called hannus server or something like that. On that server there were a lot of different gamemodes. Most of them were minigames like climbing or (I don't know how that is called but it was very liked) some gamemode were the players stood somewhere up in the air on solar panels which started to fall down, the last one how was alive won. And I think there was also some kind of battlefield mod. Well I think you get what I mean. Minnigames like that. At the end of every round the players could decide between some new gamemodes or if they want to play the currently again. But I don't know how to use green coins at modes like that. Maybe by buying a individual character and clothes. However I think a server like that would be great. And I'm not a 100% sure but I think currently there is no server like that on MTA. And MTA need new servers not the 500th deathmatch server or somethink like this. Well this is what I think
And another new map . This time without any kind of mods mods . LOL\'S.zip
well I wont to build a short map with some obstacels so it is actually easy to play, but with the changed controls it becomes a kind of difficult and funny (I hope) I don't really need a ready written script (I will try to write it myself) but it would be nice to know the file in the main game gta*, where the controls are definated. (if it is in a compresed file it would also be nice if you can tell me how I can uncompress the file(a programm or thomething). So this is my main idea. I hope someone can help me *or/and in mta
I've got a question is it possible to write a script that changes the contlos (so if you press "W" you drife backwords, if you press "D" you drife to the left side then to the right,etc.) ?
No problem I've thougtthat something like this could happen:(. Delete it the I won't fix it without the speed it would be to easy . I'll create another map then (whithout that havy speed but more difficult parts ).
And here is the next mam. It's a short-fast and (while you play it the first time)maybe diffcult map. hmm I hope someone read this... ToFastForYou.zip
Okey done. I've even so add some music (: @CarPileUp -snip- ? what does that mean? p.s.: I've repleased the infernus with the turismo DriftInTheCityV.2.zip