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Mr. Green Gaming


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  1. Race: Doozydude- Are you infernus pro? [Easy] Tryharder Never the same I wanna find my destiny I wanna find my destiny 2
  2. Hey everyone. Since we got the leaderboards, tops and F1 modifications in-game and forums, I was thinking about a general rank that can measure the global ranking of each player. This general ranking takes into account not only top times with the actual system, but it also considers kills, flags captured, etc. as a whole, and why not, achievements accomplished too. It's an idea that could make players play in both servers in order to get a nice general rank and make competition prestige harder to obtain, since sometimes one server gets more attention than the other. Besides, the effort in maps and achievements created and implemented in both servers gets wasted due to this lack of attention. This rank could be positioned next to "Current monthly toptimes" bar in F1, and in leaderboards it could be placed on top of the page, showing the best five players of MrGreen regardless of the server. I hope this suggestion speaks to you all. Cheers.
  3. Race - Für abrahax Mix - sucks
  4. LOL Miguel, ni siquiera tienes que defender a Mariana, ella es la que se trajo el mal a sí misma y creo que por lo menos deberías ser consciente en cómo Mariana trataba a los demás, y de hecho, cómo lo sigue haciendo con personas que no comparten lo que ella piensa. Agrego mi experiencia personal (y tú lo sabes bien porque yo estuve en RRA y sabes como era ella antes y después de que yo me fuera). Apenas me fui ella comenzó a "bardearme" como dicen ustedes sin ninguna razón, solo porque me fui y ya, incluso era y es racista y están los comentarios de ella en los screenshots de Shadow, entonces no puedes decir que provocación ni que nada porque solo me fui y ella comenzó a echar mierdas sin yo decir un carajo. La ignoré, siguió en discord, le respondí con la misma moneda y entonces qué? Ahora ella es la víctima de nosotros criminales que no la dejamos jugar tranquila a la pobre? JAJAJAJAJAJA LOL Miguel, you don't even have to defend Mariana, she got everything by her own, you should be, at least, conscious on how Mariana behaved and still behaves towards people who do not share the same opinion with her. I add my personal experience (as I'm mentioned by her in Shadow's screenshots) where, as I left RRA clan, she totally started to be agressive towards me and being racist without me saying a word to her. In order to keep my mental health straight, I ignored her but she kept going on Discord so I responded her, and guess what? Now she's the victim here of we all criminals that won't let her play peacefully. This has to be a joke, seriously. (Sarcastic translation of the "JAJAJA") PD: Miguel, fuera de todo esto, deberías reconsiderar esa relación tan tóxica, tú no eres una mala persona como ella y dudo mucho que este post lo hayas hecho por tu cuenta sin ninguna presión, una persona que se ofrece a hacer bailes por webcam como lo hacía Mariana, solo para probar que es mujer o solo para ganar amigos no es una persona que esté bien de la cabeza, enserio, házlo por tí.
  5. Hello there, this is my first post here. I just got a doubt about achievements in the server (as I'm really addicted to accomplish them), which achievements are bugged or cannot be completed? I know that MIX server has the achievement "Win a DD map on fire" bugged because I tried it in several times and I didn't get it. Which others are bugged in Race Server or Mix?
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