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Mr. Green Gaming


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Posts posted by weet

  1. The like/dislike system isn't working as it should. It's better to ask for the opinion of several players, and also ASK why they dislike a certain map and see if you can agree with it why it should be removed.

    I'm very sorry but are u expecting that to work?

    When the server had the rating system 0-10, if u rated 0 u had to explain why. In that days, i just typed, "'cause it sucks", "its boring", things like this, that don't help in anything.

    Probably, as Yoshi sad, a small percentage of people will give an acurate answer, but, who the fuck is gonna read then? And mainly, who the fuck will care about that?

    Its impossible to have +1000 maps, that everyone likes. Everyone loves Digital Desert, Waka-Waka, and i fucking hate then (their probably the maps with the most likes, last time i played Digital Desert it had almost 50 likes).

    Terminator, just one thing. Bin said that they test the maps before uploading then, so, a 10h map its impossible to be uploaded. (and u wouldn't have the patience to make it ^^)

  2. If this like/dislike system is so flawed why is it still on?? lol....

    Its still on 'cause its better than the 0-10 rating, and also, its better having this, than nothing.

    I think its cool this way, its simple.

    Where's the flaw?

    This system is similar to YouTube's system.

    I don't see YouTube removing this video just because it has a bunch of dislikes.


    Bin, there will always be complains about something, people are never happy with nothing. They want everything perfect.

    Ignore the damn rating system, and enjoy the fucking maps

  3. 1. Real name and age?

    Gabriel, 17

    2. Where do you live?

    Coimbra, Portugal (go search it on google earth, its a really nice city :P)

    3. Previous experince with communities and boards?

    Not much ... this is the first community that i really like :)

    4. What do you do for a living?

    I'm in highscholl, studing programming, and other stuff, related to PC's, networks, etc...

    5. Go to school? If yes, studying what?

    answered above

    6. Describe yourself with 3 words?

    funny, stupid, and preatty ^^

    7. Anything else you wanna tell us?

    One day, i'll have an Alfa Romeo 33 B)

  4. First, we should start by creating a list of maps that require correction,

    we will distribute them later

    how ? any ideas ?

    Why don't we go to the "Maps which should be fixed" and select a few ones?

  5. I do not understand your post.

    You are all friends... so you should skip boring rounds? That's alright with me, I wouldn't have started the round if I knew there would be no maps. :X

    sorry, my english ain't very good -.-

    what i was trying to say is that, since we are all friends most of us won't mind to skip some boring themes, that's basically it

  6. I had a lot of thinking today, about the mapping contest, and i reached i conclusion.

    Everyone that usually participates is these rounds know each other, we are all friends (well, at least we don't hate eachother, i guess) so, why don't we skip boring rounds?

    Just a few people like, and i'm gonna take this round's example, flying maps, and even the pros sometims dislike them

    the purpose of this contest is to bring more fun to the server, and more will do the map makers to do something new.

    Ok, i see the point of this boring rounds, we need to alternate between varius tipes of maps, but, lets do a bit of cheating and skip them, who cares if we skip a flying, or a boat map, for example?

  7. and map makers repress their criativity because of some dude doens't have a good connection?

    that's like saying that gta iv should have bad graphics, just so that you could play it, and think for one second, its very, very rare that you have to donwload >15 mbs maps, you just got "lucky"

  8. Hey guys

    I need serious help, i don't know the bases of scripting, and i want a script, that doesn't exist (i guess)

    It's possible to do damage to a plane if its higher than "x"? I was thinking like in a mission of GTA SA, that if you're higher than a certain hight you will lose, something like that.

    Can someone help me, pleasee

  9. [quote name='BlueYoshi97' date='01 February 2011 - 21:23' timestamp='1296595767' post='66492'

    The point is to make a flying-map that is NOT boring.

    That's hard, but, not impossible!

    I'm going to participate again, its going to be a challange to make something that's usually boring, not boring, i'll give my best, since i've never made a flying map

  10. after a long time away, I'm back to making maps :)

    This is my map entry for the Mta Map Contest

    Name: Rusty Race

    Car: Chevrolet Chevelle (Replaces the Clover) (Download here)

    Custom handling

    Custom headlight color, able to toggle on or off

    73 CP'S

    5 Second's respawn time

    Takes about 5 minutes to finish

    race-rusty race.zip

  11. no offense, but the excuse of time to remove is very weak, and shows indifference by the admins, okay, it's hard work, but if he was indeed cheateing who is running the server must bear the consequences.

    Again, i don't want to offend anyone, but the excuse used is the same that saying that we can cheat, since we do many top times, otherwise you will be banned

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