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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Haig

  1. Very active player, unlike many other admins. Good luck!
  2. This is a nitro-free race with the Blista Compact. Why? Because i prefer to race without nitro and i luv Blista Compact <3 It takes about 2 minutes to complete it. I kinda based myself on the quality race maps like Wu Zi Mu and such. Here is Knul playing the map. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wcG5J-c4v6k I hope you guys like it race-blistaway.zip
  3. A player with much online time. Good luck!
  4. A small fix for Powerplant NTS. nts-powerplant.zip
  5. Personally I think we have a lot of crap maps in the MIX. So if we make an effort to edit all our maps to make more unique spawnpoints, wouldn't be a bad idea. The maps wich are too small, or simply not good enough, we can just remove then.
  6. More Packer & Baggage fun!
  7. I updated the checkpoints of Dropzone NTS a little.. nts-dropzone.zip
  8. Another new NTS map! nts-powerplant.zip
  9. Okay i changed the CP to a ring and gave it more distance from the cargo start, should work now nts-dropzone.zip
  10. Changed first checkpoint nts-dropzone.zip
  11. Edited my Dropzone map, I hope it's okay now. nts-dropzone.zip
  12. I'd like to know if a scripter is interested in a new gamemode for the mix server? There is this concept for a gamemode i'm creating, it's a football (soccer) game between two teams.
  13. Haig

    Ban TheMoroccanjob

    The goal of all players should be to reach the next checkpoint as fast as possible..and clearly, that is not what this lowlife is doing.
  14. i'm sorry we just talk alot, the problem is that there is no PM system in the mix server..
  15. I updated some of my maps again. nts-connected.zip nts-pool.zip nts-thepit.zip rtf-cows.zip
  16. what software do you use for enabling the vpn?
  17. i got the same problem since today :/
  18. Okay i'll look into the Dropzone map. Here is a new map and 2 updated ones. nts-pool.zip rtf-cows.zip nts-thepit.zip
  19. I've been busy, another new NTS! nts-dropzone.zip
  20. Another new NTS map, enjoy! nts-connected.zip
  21. I also revised my RTF map 'Follow the cows'. There was a shortcut and a tankbug, should be fixed now. rtf-cows.zip
  22. Can you tell me what it is that you don't like about the map..? In the meantime I made a new one..classic style. nts-thepit.zip
  23. I made a new NTS map for the mix server. It's something different, i hope people like it. nts-alternative.zip
  24. I updated all the .xml's for my maps, changed the maxplayers amount to '36'. I did this because there are these 4 non-players all the time with 0 ping, why are they there? nts-bayside.zip nts-downhill.zip nts-lasventuras.zip nts-vinewood.zip rtf-cows.zip rtf-overthehill.zip rtf-ship.zip rtf-zigzag.zip
  25. I updated some of my maps. rtf-overthehill.zip rtf-cows.zip nts-vinewood.zip nts-lasventuras.zip
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