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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by FOTL.Emanuel

  1. I prefer races based on skill, but we have to accept it because others like it for sure. Just like falling maps...
  2. So, as i said, here we have a wise (sarcasm) post. This user states 4 maps. In 3 of them the reason given is sucks/stupid... It sucks/its stupid for you, those maps have no bugs so there is no reason to be deleted. To the stuck problem at any map well, sometimes a fix helps don't know that one.
  3. Yep, its desert Race xD, its in the server already xD. I don't know if its credited to you but i doubt it :s
  4. I believe it will be useful to old maps, that way you dont even need to edit them in the editor. New maps should already have in mind that gm disables at cp5. Good Job SDK
  5. Hm we have this race in the server already O_o maybe someone converted it before since i suppose you uploaded it to LW or so...
  6. Yep, true... now its time to tell players to avoid making a map with 30 cps and disable ghostmode at cp29.
  7. I played with him lots of times and i wasnt *fckd* by his ping at all...
  8. Might be useful to correct some maps, nice
  9. No problem... xd But what does that do? changes the gm cp on that specific map?
  10. Bin, what i'm i doing? Giving my opinion... Deleting maps should be only done as a last option. Some maps that have a clusterfuck near the start can be easily edited to avoid that. Now the print killa posted its not even in the race start, and i played that map 200 times and never saw it happening there, it happened that that time, sh*t happens. Now let me give you a pretty good example of a map that can be solved with a very simple editing: Race to hell (III i think), the one with cp5 at the airport entrance gates, moving that cp would work just fine lol. BTW, that map is so old that people got used to that clusterfuck already and it kinda became funny lol.
  11. Get me a PS3 and I will get the 3 games
  12. First of all im not angry because of you whining on my map because it was completely stupid , u were on the "lets delete maps" spirit and as soon as you saw it, BAM DELETE! Well you got owned because that map was supposed to have gm on because of the kind of map it is (using teleport). Second of all...WTF kind of shit is that? In one day you mentioned 6 maps you want to be gmed... are you kidding me? And you are still playing i guess. So you mention 10 maps every day and other people do so...and this will be a ghostmode server. I DO NOT WANT THAT. How in the freaking world does kray comet run or wrc city stage need GM? I have a top2 in the second one and it has a tricky part near the start, pass that and you are ok, now this is a race server so if you are slow sometimes clusterfucks happen, now you are telling me we need to gm a map because it has 1 tight spot? Screw that, as most of us already said and Ywa himself, we prefer this to be a non-gm server, except for some maps that really wudnt work without it. Now what? I go in-game play a map and if i get clusterfucked its because the map needs GM? Wtf is going on here with this mentality. By the way the community doesnt need to evaluate anything because in fact they will never do it. We are 1% of the server players so its never fair. The admins are responsible for them and may listen to some opinions but not to every single freaking whine. Racing is all about avoiding the other cars, they are a part of it...avoiding noobs? yes sure, you are even better if you manage to avoid them, thats how i like it, and always will. Hell do get pissed of with rammers sometimes? Of course I do, i really do but its life and in the end of the day i always managed to avoid more than what i couldnt. If you wanna play an easier game go to nadeo's website and grab Trackmania...enjoy it it has ghostmode. If the deleting thing was already something to be worried about because of the players character (not being able to separate a really bad map from a hard or tricky map which pissed them of), the gm request thread is even worse, i would say ridiculous, Its a non-gm server dont ask for it. If a map really needs it Bin, SDK or Ywa will be able to judge it when they test-drive it as they are competent admins. PS1: Btw (more sarcasm), disable f10 stats because mine got bugged and erased, DISABLE! PS2: Yes i'm really intense about this, I love this server just as it is.
  13. I Cant make it work.
  14. Why does that map need GM? Its a TNT drag, the point is to create chaos, checkpoints are ok in that map.
  15. I Got a big problem, yesterday my F10 stats just disappeared, erased, deleted, restarted everything to 0. Is it possible to have them back with a backup or any other way? I can't tell you exactly how they were but was something really close to 6000 starts, 4000 ends, 1970 wins and 160-170 tops. Thanks for your help in advance.
  16. Thats a better perspective Bin, like it much more ---- Thanks Yoshi.
  17. Yes lets delete slow maps, animals maps, custom models maps, music maps. -Lets delete bike maps because they are slow, faggio, pizzaboy etc maps because they are slow... -Lets remove all karts/rcs maps because they have collision issues (and they are slow) -Lets delete yoshi's animals maps because it hurts us, they are very difficult to drive are veryyyyy boring. -Lets delete hydra maps because most people cant drive them and say they dont like them. -Lets remove helicopter maps because when still in ghostmode your helixes can still hit others. -Lets remove the ability to enable weapons on maps because if there is a map with a hunter ppl will cry, we don want them to be unhappy, REMOVE! -Lets remove all sandking maps because they are, like ppl use to say, "more than their mothers". -Lets remove rollercoaster maps because the edges of the road are very often bugged and u flip. -Lets remove and ban all boat maps on the server because people whine a lot about them. -Lets remove and BAN music maps because people sometimes hate to download only music. -Lets remove the map Hypnose because it can cause epilepsy on certain players. -Lets remove Motorbike maps because they require extra skill and people with a controller have a natural advantage over keyboard players, therefore making it unfair. - Let's remove all of this and ask every day to every user wich maps he would like to be deleted (im sure they will be very active answering since they whine about bumping on a little bad road placement, whine about everything...). - Let's forbide Yoshi from making maps because he makes the most creative ones, ones using animals and slow bikes (and not FAST cars or straight lines). - Let's make it mandatory to have at least 1 new INFERNUS drag race map with a straight line per day (WITH NO OBSTACLES). - Oh, LETS TURN GM ON forever because driving an infernus on a straight line may be dangerous and your finger may slip from "w" to "d" and bam...someone rammed. ^ ^ | | | | SARCASM UP In one week we should be down to 200 maps and be just like any other server. That happens and i'm outta here, the reason i like this server is because of his variety and quality of maps, if i want to play the same race 4 times a day, i'll play offline. Maps should be on the server without any further questioning once the uploading admin aproves it and thats it. People will always whine with stupid arguments just as mosh did, listen to every single one of them and the server will never be the same again. Some maps are better than others, you can't expect to play all of them smootly without getting clusterfucked or rammed, thats life...it happens, cars crash. Personally i think only a few maps would need to be deleted if not edited. Now you can't take the most important thing away from this server, thats VARIETY! That's why people play here. PS: FFS! WTF is wrong with animal's maps? Such idiot answers...
  18. Voted!
  19. ok i will do it for you now ... Done. race-jairoraceii.zip
  20. or maybe he was talking about the main mansion on VC, probably for an rc race
  21. He asked if someone could help him to add music to his map
  22. Yo puedo ayudar-te, dime la cancion que quieres e lo puedo hacer.
  23. Lol my map editor isnt too friendly either, i've had Checkpoint problems (COUNTLESS TIMES!!!), dummy_test errors, "reinstall needed" problems...whatever there are a lot of mistakes but i still like making maps. From all the players on the server you must be the best map maker out there. Are your maps perfect rides with a banal sultan? No Rollercoasters? No Then what? I tell you, they are f*ckin different, different! Thats why i get excited everytime console announces we are going to play another map from, because i never know what to expect. Thanks for all your effort and keep making maps
  24. "Best Performance" Just...fall...and make sure you play this one with your best computer performance If when you play the first thing you think of is OMG...forget about it...someone already did it for you. Checkpoints:1 Difficulty: The easiest map around Vehicles Used: - NRG 500 Running Time: ~15secs / Themed Music?: No" Screenshots: Not necessary race-1bestperf.zip
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