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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by kevin

  1. Except it doesn't work. Race gamemode can't load it Thats a bug.... maybe meta.xml? Because it works fine here. If you still cant get it to work i will give new download link tommorow.
  2. My new map called Left4Green Goes Crazy V1 It has 34 spawnpoints and is a large (and maybe funny) map for our L4G (Left for green) users Download: See attachment. Or use mediafire: http://www.mediafire.com/?02e8b93ja6a2d55
  3. UPDATES (SOON) : Chillroads = V2 (Longer soon , and a fence) ==> SOON Highway Freaks = V2.1 (Longer , More Funny Things , some signs , scenery) ==> soon [sorry! now 2011 i was inactive i know]
  4. next map (SOON) = Funny Slide?! ==> 9 Sept. 2010 a other next map (SOON) = LOLZ!? ==> 15 Sept. 2010 and a other next map (SOON) = School's OUT!? ==> 20 Sept. 2010 and a other next map (SOON) = The SEA!? ==> 21 Sept. 2010 and a other next map (SOON) = Trackmania GTA ==> 22 Sept. 2010 ****** DONT ASK ME TO MAKE MAPS !! ****** ****** I HOPE TO MAKE MY MAPS FAST ****** ****** I FIX MAPS FOR U !! (Pm Me) ****** i dont have enough time so i do first the update's and then other maps
  5. Hello , im kevin. my 2nd map for left4green = ChillRoads! sorry for the big poll but i want to know what to make ************************** DOWNLOAD = http://www.mijnbestand.nl/Bestand-YGGYMBCVCZEF.rar
  6. my idea if you has glitches , disconnect... wait 15 minits... connect... if you disconnect and connect fast your greencoins are bugged wait please if this dont work install mta again. (this works sometimes)
  7. => making maps for left4green mta race server

  8. Cool Tutorail!
  9. its renamed and a better version + other map. (but i gonna make my map post topic soon ) sorry for the 2nd topic
  10. hi this is me map , hopefully its good (better!) Its renamed , new name ===> Highway Freaks! mymapbetter.rar
  11. working on racing maps for mta left4green race serv..
  12. hi i have made my first map hopefully is it good ------------------------ v2 has : -boat on water -more funny things -tanker -a island ------------------------ credits to : -me (Kevin[bE/VL]) -mta (for stuff ) hopefully its good DOWNLOAD (if theres no attachment) : http://www.mijnbestand.nl/Bestand-ATQQKNNMF3ZH.rar
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