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Mr. Green Gaming


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About martin11

  • Birthday 01/15/1998

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  • Discord
    martin gajardo
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Newbie (1/14)



  1. Gotta thank you for the good old times. I'm not into MTA anymore but It will always have it in my memories. Golden memories. Thank you for making all of this possible. Cheers!
  2. 260+ in mta
  3. now has 200 TOPTIMES SET! OMFG!

    1. Gametaff


      Hi ragequiter

    2. Griffon


      Sounds like you need a new hobby.

  4. Very quick history for me. my real name is martin so i had it as a nickname till somebody in the server was called as martin too, so quickly i added my year after my nickname. BTW, im not 11, im 14. I added those numbers 3 years ago.
  5. My first nts map. +3:00 mins only with only cars in the airport of LS. airportchaos.zip
  6. fixed, this topic will be deleted
  7. I have bought the voice some days ago, i configured my mic and worked fine. But i went to another pc and nobody could hear me, is not a problem of my mic settings because i tried the voice on the new Mr.Green's server and it worked. What can i do? Probably 5000 gc wasted :S
  8. I'll see if i can make my own ctf and manhunt maps too
  9. Start school the next thursday -_- is not funny

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. mogadonskoda


      dark str i started earlier and end later....

    3. mogadonskoda


      dark str i started earlier and end later....

  10. ҈҆҅҄҃҂΅΄ʹ͍͊͋͌͜͟͝͞ͺ͚͈͓͔͖ͬ͒͑ͣͥ͢҈҆҅҄҃҂΅΄ʹ͍͊͋͌͜͟͝͞ͺ͚͈͓͔͖ͬ͒͑ͣͥ͢҈҆҅҄҃҂΅΄ʹ͍͊͋͌͜͟͝͞ͺ͚͈͓͔͖ͬ͒͑ͣͥ͢҈҆҅҄҃҂΅΄ʹ͍͊͋͌͜͟͝͞ͺ͚͈͓͔͖ͬ͒͑ͣͥ͢҈҆҅҄҃҂΅΄ʹ͍͊͋͌͜͟͝͞ͺ͚͈͓͔͖ͬ͒͑ͣͥ͢҈҆҅҄҃҂΅΄ʹ͍͊͋͌͜͟͝͞ͺ͚͈͓͔͖ͬ͒͑ͣͥ͢҈҆҅҄҃҂΅΄ʹ͍͊͋͌͜͟͝͞ͺ͚͈͓͔͖ͬ͒͑ͣͥ͢҈҆҅҄҃҂΅΄ʹ͍͊͋͌͜͟͝͞ͺ͚͈͓͔͖ͬ͒͑ͣͥ͢҈҆҅҄҃҂΅΄ʹ͍͊͋͌͜͟͝͞ͺ͚͈͓͔͖ͬ͒͑ͣͥ͢҈҆҅҄҃҂΅΄ʹ͍͊͋͌͜͟͝͞ͺ͚͈͓͔͖ͬ͒͑ͣͥ͢҈҆҅҄҃҂΅΄ʹ͍͊͋͌͜͟͝͞ͺ͚͈͓͔͖ͬ͒͑ͣͥ͢҈҆҅҄҃҂΅΄ʹ͍͊͋͌͜͟͝͞ͺ͚͈͓͔͖ͬ͒͑ͣͥ͢҈҆҅҄҃҂΅΄ʹ͍͊͋͌͜͟͝͞ͺ͚͈͓͔͖ͬ͒͑ͣͥ͢

  11. great! but this server is not DM lol
  12. 1 new map with sandking, custom map. 2012rally.zip And i fixed the ending on 'A roller coaster way 2' and the carchange with sandking. coasterway2.zip
  13. Has 100 toptimes set! :D

    1. terminator


      yomartin productions!!!!!!! :D

    2. Tootao


      Nice bro !! :D

      comining me !! xD

  14. Map with slow cars on speed x3 slowcarsrevenge.zip
  15. New one, 1:30 mins + - coasterway2.zip
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