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Mr. Green Gaming


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  1. I have no replacement models, they are all stock.
  2. Hey, well in zombie survival some human models are invisible, and all i see is a floating hat or nothing. I've reinstalled GMod but the problem still remains. In the console, Thousands of checksum errors about various models come up and i don't know what's causing it. Any help will be appreciated, Thanks
  3. Made me lose the game, fellow hobo
  4. Whoops, i didn't see the main introduction thread. Sorry guys!
  5. I should? Disturbing signature
  6. Hey guys, I just wanted to introduce myself to the forums so you can get to know me .. I'm Hobomania and i play on the GMod Zombie servers.. Some of you may have seen me before, it was one of the first servers i tried on Zombie Survival, but i kept quiet as i didn't know what the server and community were like. I'm really impressed with the server and what the community are like, which is why i want to be a part of it. I'm thinking of donating to the server, which is a first as i haven't donated to anything else in a long while (Surely that means nothing ) . I will be seeing you on the servers and hope to give you a nice human/zombie whooping Regards
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