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Mr. Green Gaming

Ninja :D

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  1. yeah i know, i can make simple things from scratch, i only got it a few days ago :S im practicing different brushes and alphas and then i will try to make something using the Zspheres :3 thats cool! :3 you should use a subtool for the eyes
  2. another model, using the demo head i made a melting man
  3. ZBrush is used for normal mapping I think. Valve used it to add details to the HL2 models (they got the idea to use ZBrush from the artist that created Gollum's face for the LoTR movies). ZBrush is a Modelling programme used by valve Gear of War2 Creators and many other professional companys you can make allsorts like new models and scenery, check out the website
  4. was wonderin if anyone else uses Z Brush and i wanna know wut you guys think of my models! its a Zombie Dog Btw
  5. lol you did that on my server
  6. my crappy attempt.... 2 more follow ons coming soon!
  7. Does any1 know the entity names for human and zombie spawns?
  8. now.... THAT IS A GOOD IDEA
  9. lol, ill make a secret cheezecakez room for u! :3
  10. it looks of, maybe get some displacements or walls around the map or a skybox because without them it looks slightly flat and unreal
  11. breakable bridge works its on a cross per person basis so when 1 person goes from the first end, it removes 6 hp from bridge, and when you get to the other end, it adds 6 so, unless people are being gay and add loads of health to it, thats the only way it seemed to work..... so, after the bridge im thinking of a tower, ill get a drawn plan of map
  12. errm :S the ship was an idea from Evolve XD
  13. sounds like a good idea, but atm im working a a warehouse themed one in the middle of a thunderstorm
  14. i had idea that instead of weight making it break maybe a bomb or something goes off?
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