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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Kashio

  1. Should we begin to organize movie-watching events within the GMod Cinema server? And if so, what kind of movies could we watch there? Any suggestions are welcome, opening this thread because I think it'd be nice to organize something and make people feel involved in case they do wish to partake in any possible upcoming events.
  2. Hey there! Yes, there is a community that is very much still alive, even if not as hugely active as it was back then. I'd say it's even more alive than MTA's in some manner, which is understandable since Garry's Mod above all was made to be easy to modify. And I also think that could be done if more people began to actually sign into the forums, I actually don't know why people do not like this forum. I think in part it's because we're entering an era of fast communication via things like Discord, so for most people forums may feel outdated, but in a way it feels cleaner and more organized to me than Discord oftentimes (despite the fact I use Discord much more, it's convenient, not gonna lie.) While Discord has as many convenient features as your typical forum and usually even more, I feel like it's great for chatting, not for writing lengthy texts, so I do have to agree with you there. I will keep it in mind, thanks! I couldn't really be there last night, but maybe in some hours I will attempt to actually join the MTA server again, not sure when exactly, but I'd really like to at least. I personally only play on MTA's Mr. Green server since I was never much of a MTA player myself. (I was more of a SA:MP player, despite its inherent flaws, I somehow still enjoyed it more, oddly enough.) I am glad you feel that way, for me as a staff member what's most important is that both current members and newcomers alike get to have a comfortable, fun experience in the long run. I think that's what makes a community truly stand out; When it becomes special to a group of people, and when it shows it has the ability to be flexible and welcoming to others. And I hope that truly will end up being demonstrated to you by the rest of the community, especially more so when it comes to staff members.
  3. Welcome, I hope you enjoy the stay around here. I should personally play more MTA myself, considering that I am actually a Garry's Mod player usually. I really do hope that you stick around and find more stuff that you enjoy about our community! I'll keep an eye out in case I spot you in the MTA server if I hop on it at any given time.
  4. As you may know if you follow our Discord closely. (Which, rest assured, is the majority of people, but I suppose a few do not follow it.) You guys may be aware that there is now a Garry's Mod Cinema server! The objective of the whole gamemode is very simple, and it's not as much of an objective as it is something you can just do. Basically, you can just watch videos, movies and the likes with friends within theater rooms. At some point, it is likely games/arcades of sorts will be added around the lobby area as well to the server in order for people to have more things to do within the server. The server currently has a cosmetic pointshop (Pointshop 2, credits to that.) and drops (About 5% chance every 60 minutes for a drop), as well as a gambling minigame within the Pointshop. The Pointshop includes Playermodels, Hats, Pets, Accesories, as well as in-game foods and drinks. I will be personally looking for someone, or a group of people who wish to participate and volunteer with creating a whole new map just for our Cinema server, cinema_greentheater, if anyone is interested in partaking in such a project, please message me on Discord or via the forums. We are currently running theater_nexmultiplex_1m as a map for the time being. Here is the Server IP: As a side note; We will be organizing an event during either October 31st or November 1st in which to watch a spooky movie together. Stay tuned in for the plausible upcoming thread about it! From hereon, this thread will also serve the purpose of being one in which you can suggest ideas for the server as well as comment on it.
  5. There might be a Halloween-themed event for Zombie Survival cooking up soon in some days, stay tuned everyone! And make sure to to bring a friend once the event goes live!
  6. Would be amazing if future giveaways might include playermodels. Less than 5 hours from now on until the ZS server is up!!
  7. These news make me happy, glad that there's finally a release date for the great Green's ZS at last, I'll be sure to let everyone who's interested know about it so they all can play, I'll make sure to hop on as well if I see that plenty of other people share the same interest with it too. Really looking forward to it, this is after all I've been waiting for, for the official release, that is.
  8. That'd be interesting to see whether that time period somewhat repeats itself or not. I think S&Box is a great opportunity to fix some of the mistakes that had been done within ZS through all the years (since well, let's face it, while ZS has been good, it hasn't been perfect, especially its latest versions in the past few years). I honestly hold hope that Sunrust's version of ZS won't just dominate and that we'll get various versions to choose from after a year or two however, since overall, not as an admin/staff member or even potential mapper/dev but as a player, I am much more interested in being given multiple good-quality choices, and I think I speak for a sizable enough portion of people who had been playing ZS but ceased doing so for multiple reasons. You are right, however, I feel like with S&Box not even being out yet and the only apparent version of ZS in development in S&Box not being literally any playable, it could still take a while. Although I believe that developing for it early on could be worth it in order to gather a bigger playerbase earlier on. S&Box might actually not do that well and GMod could still remain the one that's more popular out of the two, but the opposite could also be true. I just hope that regardless of what happens, neither game will completely die off, as I actually like the prospect of both. (Even if GMod itself is actually a bit way too old by now, it still has its charm and customization, regardless of its possible limitations.)
  9. As some of you may know, Garry's Mod is getting a sort of "sequel" called S&Box, by Facepunch Studios and Garry Newman himself no less. S&Box, according to Garry, will be much more than Garry's Mod ever was (much more customization, aside for a restriction on using franchises/IPs due to licensing, but original models and maps are totally fine), he presents it as more than a game, he wants it to be a platform in which people will create games... Which begs the question, what do you all think about the potential for Zombie Survival within S&Box? There are apparently multiple developers/coders that are interested in bringing Zombie Survival to S&Box. Are you guys hyped for playing S&Box in Source 2? Are there any other gamemodes besides Zombie Survival that you guys would like to see? I personally would love Breach (SCP stuff isn't truly licensed in the same manner as franchises, so we could definitely get a Breach gamemode going on), Cinema, TTT and Deathrun. I personally feel like S&Box opens a really huge box of possibilities for ZS to evolve as a whole, and I would be lying if I said I felt indifferent to it, because truth is that ZS could actually become even bigger in S&Box than it ever was in Garry's Mod. That also depends on the success of S&Box, but a game that presents itself with so much modding and customization potential (It has stuff like day/night cycles, VR support and it's much more optimized than GMod), it feels like it could go far beyond GMod's very own ZS, but only time will tell, perhaps it might not go far and stay mostly in GMod. Only time will tell in the end, right? Official S&Box news and website here; https://sbox.facepunch.com/news
  10. New features are in the server as well for those who are unaware, there are daily missions and account linking is done, for more information do check the Discord out as H11DN-D4NG3R said. With some luck we may have the full release around the corner at our hands to play! The wait has been long, but worth it.
  11. Not too familiar with MTA myself, but I'll say yes, could always use someone to help out with the maps.
  12. I kinda like the concept, but I'd be hyped for a Mr. Green-specific modpack that could perhaps exist within the Technic Launcher even more if I am honest. Perhaps have some mods that already exist and mix them up in a particular way, but initially this does sound pretty good as well actually, I'd definitely be up for it even though I normally play vanilla the most! I am in support of this.
  13. I concur, Deluvas' version (L4G) was my favourite, but pre-Deluvas' version (Classic) is still leagues ahead of modern ZS, my personal favourite perks/classes to play were Medic and Berserker back then, listening to Shadows screaming in the microphone was psychotic, chaotic yet funny. I just hope I can experience both versions, still looking forward to the L4G version being revived, but definitely Classic being revived has made me smile during these weekends, even if they were just demos. Can't wait to see the full thing once both are properly worked on! Definitely excited for both. I do really trust in the current developers to restore Green's ZS glory.
  14. Hope it'll be implemented, I think cading is all in all a positive thing for ZS (even if the cading system isn't super complex) and honestly I agree, the Killing Floor perk system in ZS actually felt very natural as implemented in Mr. Green's ZS, as in for the mini turret on the shoulder, I don't remember such thing, I only really played Mr. Green's from 2010 to 2011-ish for the most part.
  15. I thought bosses wouldn't be a thing in the secondary server considering how bosses were one of the factors that took away the fun in ZS as a whole (not just in this server), but I guess they could be bearable with a few adjustments. (If they're in the end added at all) However with the main server demo I must say I am fairly pleased with the results thus far, sure, it still needs work here and there. But for the most part, I am liking how it has turned out and I hope others feel in a similar manner too. One thing I really miss is having human classes/perks as it was the case back in 2010-ish.
  16. Yes, even if you have that, it'll work just fine. But I think any potato PC can run it somewhat, I've got a friend that cannot even play GMod on their laptop but GeForce NOW fixes the issue.
  17. Try using GeForce NOW if not, even a potato can run any game so long as the game is supported by said software and as long as your connection is good.
  18. Really looking forward to playing on it and helping test out at the same time too, very excited to hear the news, that's for sure. Let's roll ladies and gentlemen!
  19. I particularly like the first map showcased, the second one would be okay but I think the first map would fit like a glove in the server honestly! Oh and by the way Chik, will it actually be plain map rotation or map voting?
  20. I really am interested in those maps of yours. You should show them off here, definitely can't wait to see them being ported here if you do end up porting them over as well. Might help out the server quite a lot! Can we see some screenshots?
  21. Oh wow, I am really hyped about the progress so far! This really is smile-inducing for me, to see it all come together. Can't wait to test it in one way or another!
  22. Dead Frontier isn't, but Dead Frontier 2 is on Steam! I think it's worth looking into them.
  23. Those two games are online zombie MMO/RPGs that I have played since a few years on and off, nothing I got incredibly hooked to for long, but that I enjoyed playing on and off over and over, do you guys know the games? And if so, what are your thoughts? I might get back to playing it sometime, especially since it somehow gives me ZS nostalgia (despite the gameplay not being any similar)
  24. Kashiomire - Added
  25. I think this was the smartest decision in general, better delay it and have it be high quality in general, that's much better than releasing something unfinished and far from the actual mark, as much as we may have desired to give it a try, this is the best thing to do in the end. Thank you for communicating with the rest of the community and allow us players to know.
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