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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by pasolnxx

  1. pov: game is becoming pay to win
  2. BMW pj price-you choose also can pick what u want to be added to it Idk price-you choose same thing its kinda blank so u can ask to add almost anything Name is also changed and clan name removed/changed Another BMW pj price-you choose name is changed and the low quality logo on the right side will also be changed into a better quality one Death and life pj price-you choose also can add almost anything to the pj that u request name addable +top is all white +You can also request a custom pj with a reply or a dm to Dymbuxaz#2257 Race car pj price-you choose 19 BMW gesamtsiege pj price-you choose +Name addable BMW price-you choose +Name changable/removable cherry blossom pj price-you choose +You can also request a custom pj with a reply or a dm to Dymbuxaz#2257 RUST pj price-550 too tired to put details price is choosen by the buyer edit: choose a time u want to buy it and when we get on ill send u dm of the imgur link (if u want it) and the whole pj
  3. (i didnt really know where to post a discord unban request but here it is) bassicly when i still had the mta serial ban i was also banned from the discord, but now i got unbanned on mta and im thinking if u could unban me on discord too thanks edit: Dymbuxaz#2257 discord ID: 645687829191589898
  4. I had to restart the game thats it, but it was showing me poeple die and poeple type but the screen was black
  5. pasolnxx


    my screen is black i cna see poeple die and type but i cant do anything
  6. pasolnxx


    i know i got banned for 30 mins, but i wanna make sure i dont get banned falsely. bassicly my mta was open and i was about to go into a nother game and saw that it was on i opened it and saw that it detected the injector that i opened while not knowing mta is on (i saw a guy getting kicked for an injector too soo im not that dumb to cheat) edit: yes i know i already got banned for 30 mins, but im just posting this so an adin who saw me getting kicked ban me again
  7. i bassicly accidently disbanded my clan one guy is still in it which is on my other account 'magic' you can check if the account is linked to pasolnx cause it is and i cant get back in the clan cause i cant log in to it the name is lithuanian mafia ltm
  8. pasolnxx

    unban req

    Pasolnx cant remember MTA/mix cena posting ip in chat i learned my lesson and as i said i forgot i couldnt post ip in chats and i wasnt trying to get anyone in the server E63EB03D67E3493B1BCE49C117B98CB3
  9. pasolnxx

    unban req

    pasolnx pretty sure it was on january 17 2020 MTA/mix&race cena said an ip in chat i have learned a lesson that i should never post ip's in chat and i didnt want to force them going into the server it was just for my friend i forgot about private messages too, if not an unban atleast make it a week ban E63EB03D67E3493B1BCE49C117B98CB3
  10. Cena please i created a new appeal cause i realised, please i worked soo hard i wont do anything wrong again i beg u. Im gonna die from my brother
  11. pasolnxx

    unban req

    Your in-game name : Pasolnx Date of your ban :17/01/2021 What game/server are you banned from : Mix and Race Who banned you (only if you know who) : cena so bassicly i understand i was trying to get my two friends to join the server as it called 'advertisment' i didnt get a warning or a mute, 1-5 day ban i got a perm ban no reason and no asnwer. just a block and ban from the discord i swear i wont do anything wrong ill just play and thats it, i beg u. i worked really hard i wont have any explanation to my brother.
  12. name: Pasolnx server: mix so bassicly i understand i was trying to get my two friends to join the server as it called 'advertisment' i didnt get a warning or a mute, 1-5 day ban i got a perm ban no reason and no asnwer. just a block and ban from the discord i swear i wont do anything wrong ill just play and thats it, i beg u.
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