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Mr. Green Gaming


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  2. Game: Mta San Andreas Server: Mr.Green race Age: 18 Country of origin: Turkey Link to Steam Community profile *: https://steamcommunity.com/id/iasyN53/ Discord name **: iasyN53 (ım in dc server) In-game name: iasyN53 Little something about your self and why you think you're fit to be admin:hello guys my name is Yasin and im live in turkey in small city which named rize. i writed this application becasuse i would be admin on this best server. I meeted here new good players which i like play on this fantastic server im very nice player for others people and maybe playing here not that long but know all constans players and im part of team koolaid where i have contact with this community.You should choose on admin or moderator because I am nice person and not tolerate toxic players is better,of course have good contact with other moderators and admins as Mateoryt koolaid or Nick and will react on bad behavior from other players thank you for your attention
  3. ı want to be an admin,what should ı do? I am very curious
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