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Mr. Green Gaming

Ni pah

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Posts posted by Ni pah

  1. How do I get the shit to smith? To train with daggers I need leather strips (how to find) and iron ingots/bars (how to find)?

    leather strips are made from leather, ( get some on bear, wolves, dears...) you can find iron everywhere, also if you have a pickaxe you can mine, it's an common material.

  2. Bought it yesterday, this game is really cool. Anyone got a tutorial/tips on how to play Monk efficiently?

    Hybrid monk are good, tank/dps/towerdamage

    superpose many auras for maximum ownage, up their range and dont forget to upgrade your stuff.

    A friend play monk and he can solo even the most difficult lane without tower, slow+electric damage+buff it's over :P

  3. Screens remind me of the first Ghost Recon and Desert Siege.

    Which is why I still don't understand why this game would be anything special.

    This man looks incredible ordinary, why would he be anything special?

    Because he invented some scientific important shizzle.

    And now the reason why this game is special?

    Real bullet ballistic-ironsights, immersive, actually need a lot of skill to shoot someone, innovative cover system for an fps, moral and suppression gestion and a lot of other thing.

  4. Yoshi island, street fighter 2, f-zero on snes,Mario kart on snes, super bomberman 2 and 3 , goldeneye,perfect dark, super mario 64, zelda - a link to the past, link's awakening, ocarina of time and majora's mask, mario kart 64, final fantasy 7, resident evil... And a lots of other games ^^.

  5. 250px-Red_Orchestra_Heroes_of_Stalingrad_cover.jpg

    I liked the first one a lot, immersive, dramatic, realist it was an unique experience and the second one will be amazing, i guess.

    If you never played ro before, it's a teambased fps wich focuses on the russian/german conflicts and it's not a generic ww2 shooter, it's hard, it's dirty, you're just a sack of meat running under a rain of bullet and artillery while seeing your comrades loosing their arms.

    This one will be more strategic, more epic, and as usual with the tripwire games there will be a tons of mods like the first Ro or Kf.

    Go here to see some great new features ==>: http://www.heroesofstalingrad.com/about/

    Here are some news vids from the fans and devellopers, all those littles details, it looks pretty neat.

    PART 1 -

    PART 2 -

    PART 3 -

    (it's against bots, so dont mind the stupid ennemies)

    I'll buy it for sure but i'll need a new pc first, I hope we'll fight together comrades

    Little bonus, that song shows perfectly the type of emotions you get while playing ro and i'm pretty sure it will be the same with ro2

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