Obviously someone couldn't take the my rant/criticism and deleted everything related out of this topic. Keep on hiding behind the curtain of anonymity.
Artist: Grimes Album: Halfaxa Released: 2010 Country: Canada Genre tags: Dream pop, dark wave, baroque pop, experimental
Took some time to listen into this it and now it's one of my favourite albums.
Reuploaded "LIGHTS.CAMERA.ACTION". Fixed the "script not loading" problem. Everyone who didn't load the script, won#t get further (somewhere after hover dam). race-LightsCameraAction.zip
Yeah well... I call bullshit. The last time I checked everything on the map worked fine. I'm not sure if "crappy" animations is a sufficient reason to delete a map which had 100+ likes.
So I was looking for some of my maps and realized that 2 are missing. Majestic-12 LIGHTS.CAMERA.ACTION! Just wondering where they are or why they got deleted
Changed some stuff in race-LightCameraAction including a namechange. Map wasn't uploaded yet anyway due to some strange bugs. Lets hope it works this time.
Just like the topic title says. I want to discuss about this fire swap event/script or whatever you may call it. For the people who don't know what I mean: I'm talking about the script which allows you to transfer your car fire onto other players. I mean, why the hell was this implemented? It's not fun and fucks up round/lap based race maps.