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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Ashley

  1. I dont play zs either so i dont think it would be very useful for me to do anything with hammer
  2. sorry i dont know hammer and i dont have it
  3. nothing lags about this that's just the capturing rate of the video; everything (really every single prop of 580 props) is welded to at least 4 skeleton beams; no-collided with each single proximity prop - and every single prop was manually precision welded with different values for custom paneling; none of it is Easy Welded The combination of multi-welding, easy precision welding and no-colliding makes this a virtually lagfree house; I can even unfreeze the whole building and it would still stand without any bugs or lag
  4. I've never played zs, I'm friendless so I spent my hours as a hermit building pointless stuff in single player oh yeah don't mind the little blue cube; that's a small in-game Ipod I made with wiremod lol; it plays 6 songs that you can preprogram; I spawn it with advanced dupe whenever I'm working on large projects for some music
  5. The making of part 4 Materialized product
  6. The making of part 1 The making of part 2 The making of part 3
  7. I'll update the topic once I've updated the house with graphics and stuff; I mean Gmod can only do so much compared to map editors which to me is the whole fun of it
  8. No never but I've made countless maps using the Unreal Editor, both for GOTYE and with UE 2.0
  9. Hey guys; My past 16 hours spent playing Garry's Mod were spent designing and building a house - this idea was brought upon me by viewing countless houses and "forts" people posted on YouTube that consisted out of nothing but a few pointless boxes that one could barely call a house I haven't colored, materialized and furnitured this house yet but the basic design is now done; and without coloring it's easier to see how I constructed it - it's based on a beam/cuboid skeleton with panels and windows - next I'll be adding is a music system throughout the whole house This house currently counts 580 props http://www.xfire.com/video/3b5f15/
  10. yay someone around my age,

  11. That's not the issue; the issue is that there are basically a few kinds of WireMod builders; one large group of builders gets a kick out of coding the most impressive things by re-coding LUA or putting everything in an expression2 chip - but an even larger group doesn't see the fun in that. Maybe to you it sounds pointless not to - but to us it seems pointless to just code whatever we want to get out of a sandbox game; where for us the fun lies within creativity using presented options with basic wiremod and the source game itself. It's about what we find the most fun; I personally find it more fun to try and accomplish something that seems impossible after spending countless of hours building chipboards with over 100 chips; someone else finds it more fun to just create an entity in LUA - they're two entirely different games to play; I choose the first Also the speeding up/slowing down is just pitch control which can be manipulated using the PitchRelative (5th) output on the Sound emitters; already default with WireMod; so no other module did that for me
  12. Apparently, this is the cause for the strange range @ Volume: local volume = math.Clamp(math.floor(value*100),0,100) self.Volume = volume self.SND:ChangeVolume(volume) That's in addons folder or GMod folder, depending on where you installed it -> "wire\lua\entities\gmod_wire_soundemitter\init.lua" -- Line 112; You could easily change this line "local volume = math.Clamp(math.floor(value*100),0,100)" to "local volume = math.Clamp( value,0,1 )" so you have your "normal" range back, however I'm not sure if this affects other mechanisms. Worth a try Well one thing I'm very strict about along with hundreds of other "serious" WireMod "engineers" is that coding in expression2 or changing files is an absolute nono - everything that we want to accomplish has to be done by default wiremod options bar Expression2, to create as realistic devices possible without spoiling it Re-coding lua or using Expression2 is just fooling yourself in my opinion; where creativity counts - so I'm looking for already available output/input value options to accomplish this; which either is possible or isn't
  13. 9/10 I'm a huge Pink Floyd fan; my favorites are High Hopes and One of these days
  14. Hi; I fooled around a little creating all sorts of stereo systems, jukeboxes, turn tables, mixer panels and even full stages in Garry's Mod Sandbox for manipulating mp3 files; but I still haven't managed to create a contraption able to manipulate the Volume control of Sound Emitters to properly create fade effects http://www.xfire.com/video/3b0769/ Yesterday I created this very simple system using a slider button controlled by GPS & Inclusive/Equal gates; I figured out the Volume range is "0" at 0.009999 and "1" at 0.01; so I just can't figure out the correct values to use to wire a Sound Emitters "Volume" output so it correctly fades from loud to off Any help would be appreciated Ashley
  15. Thanks
  16. Who do I have to PM to provide negative feedback concerning this applicant
  17. sucks at TF2 but likes to have fun

  18. i already thought it was weird that people were finding my profile , but then it appears someone is promoting me and putting me up for marriage in this topic i am divorced, i am used product, you don't want me
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