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Mr. Green Gaming


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Status Replies posted by Raptor

  1. Everyone google "Do a barrel roll" since when does that work ?

  2. Everyone google "Do a barrel roll" since when does that work ?

  3. Kinda sad that nobody joins Green ZS anymore :/ It was so popular..

  4. Kinda sad that nobody joins Green ZS anymore :/ It was so popular..

  5. Kinda sad that nobody joins Green ZS anymore :/ It was so popular..

  6. Fuck it, its over, RC and ZS are dead, am quitting this Seriosuly

  7. Fuck it, its over, RC and ZS are dead, am quitting this Seriosuly

  8. Life gets boring after 2am

  9. Life gets boring after 2am

  10. Life gets boring after 2am

  11. im stuck outside my house with no key. the only plus its that i got net on my ipod...

  12. Where did you guys buy BF3 ?

  13. Where did you guys buy BF3 ?

  14. R.I.P. MUAMMAR GADAFFI 1942-2011 Good night sweet prince

  15. That Snorlax you just called fat? Yeah, it's eating rare candies by the dozen for you to accept it. That Gastly you just called ugly? It's been trying to learn a new move to replace its Mean Look. That Slowpoke you just tripped? He has a learning disability that makes him legally retarded. See that Hitmonchan with the scars? He fought in Vietnam for your freedom today. I bet 80% of you won't put this as your status if you're against PokeBullying.

  16. 3 days to go until BF3

  17. hoe kom je online?

  18. i got 99 doughnuts cause my bitch ate one

  19. R.I.P. MUAMMAR GADAFFI 1942-2011 Good night sweet prince

  20. R.I.P. MUAMMAR GADAFFI 1942-2011 Good night sweet prince

  21. R.I.P. MUAMMAR GADAFFI 1942-2011 Good night sweet prince

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