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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by PollosHermanos

  1. Yeeeeeeeees!! Good luck
  2. It happened to me on my 13" Macbook (1280x800px), but updated Firefox and looks well now. Check if yours is outdated
  3. Paintjob updated
  4. Buena suerte mi colombianka, i said it, RACE server needs another active admin and he speaks spanish.
  5. Looks too much comfortable for me, thankkss
  6. Lol... i wrote a bad link, i linked another theme, install that https://userstyles.org/styles/23516/midnight-surfing-global-dark-style Sorry ahha
  7. For all the people that wants a night version Just install Stylish (Browser plugin) and then install this Style https://userstyles.org/styles/23516/midnight-surfing-global-dark-style Works with almost all the pages If you dont like the colors, you can find out another theme here https://userstyles.org/ just search for "black" or "night" or something. TO USE ONLY IN MRGREEN AND NOT IN OTHER WEBSITES: Go to Stylish -> Administrate styles (idk how it's called in english version, the first option) Click on edit in the active style And in the line numer 9 change the "@-moz-document url-pr..." text for that @-moz-document url-prefix(https://mrgreengaming.com){ Then click save and now the dark theme is only for mrgreen
  8. Ywa if you wanna put the green background of the both sides you just need to put this CSS BODY { background: none #141414 !important }
  9. http://www.thefreedictionary.com/race Doesn't matter how the races are. Only matters to reach the finish flag. Race don't involve only skills or only luck, race is just race, can be in so many types, not only the one you like. Btw, NTS and Stroth Boxes map is not just luck (Yes, it's such an important thing), but always win the same people that usually wins (Or are in the 5 firsts) the normal maps, what a coincidence And almost all the people love these maps.
  10. THANKS, same with NTS and Stroth boxes maps.
  11. It's great, but maybe too clean, but I think a little darker background should be better to navigate and read... (And more old school xP) ↓ Like this ↓ And maybe it's only me, but the Quote bar of all posts is pretty big and confusing... It have more importance than the post.
  12. Agree
  13. Here are 3 more Benny Hill Theme.mp3 Groove Street.mp3 Lenteja.mp3
  14. It was a big surprise for me (and other players too) when I realized that Megas wasn't an admin. I mean, everytime I needed help with commands or so, I was atended by Megas (and Jack, mi amor) so quickly and that's why I though all the time my Masha was a mod. And for sure, RACE server needs a moderator (Jack almost does all of the job alone) when in MIX server there's always 3 or 4 mods/admins, and I think Megas is the best to do that. So my opinion is a big YES.
  15. Here are my 3 horns, hope u like Chicken: Just a funny chicken sound mix Mom: When mom isn't home sound Spanish Flea: The typical technical issues song, it's more than 10 secs... but i've uploaded a quicker version too Chicken.mp3 Mom.mp3 Spanish Flea.mp3 Spanish Flea Quick.mp3
  16. My fried chicken car

  18. Masha mi amor
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