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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Rob

  1. Rob


    Ah, Quake, UT, those were some great times those. I recently installed Quake 3 on my Computer and Im Lovin' it
  2. Rob


    Isn't the launch on the 12th of May? In that case its on a Thursday
  3. This is me, <3
  4. Rob


    Heya, maybe you know me, maybe you dont. ANYWAY, Im in search for a somewhat serious clan that is playing Matches in leuges perhaps or in a lower division. Im very dedicated and quite the sweethearth for teamgames. So I'm reaching out to the Mr. Green players for the obvious reason that Im very delighted in playing on your server. And I thought there already was a team out here, perhaps. Else I guess theres just to start one. Love // Rob
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