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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Wigbig

  1. New map by me: http://www.garrysmod.org/downloads/?a=view&id=129312
  2. This map is updated: get the version here http://filesmelt.com/dl/zs_subterranean_v1.zip
  3. This map is updated with a version that is much less of an fps rape: find it: http://www.garrysmod.org/downloads/?a=view&id=125380 download it. Upload to server.
  4. You should call it zs_mental_institute (too many 'hospital' maps), just makes it sound different. Also those broken windows might look better if you used a broken glass texture. The breaks look a bit too clean for glass. Nice though, I want to be able to hear some mental screams and moans (and mental people having sex)
  5. Yes I'm pretty sure it is, but I'll check again today. I don't think any of my maps have made it onto your server, or 'map pack' yet so hopefully this one will =) All the stuff is packed correctly but the walls of the caves are way too bright, I think i forgot to use the other version of the texture. FIXED: 2nd beta here http://www.garrysmod.org/downloads/?a=view&id=125242
  6. Released another map, this time it's underground. Episode Two stuff included. It has lot's of ways that zombies can get to humans and should be a nicely balanced map, just needs playing. This is my first map with displacement tunnels, so don't be giving me a hard time if there's any tiny gaps or whatever. http://www.garrysmod.org/downloads/?a=view&id=125236
  7. so what should I have? Nodraw?
  8. yeh all the stuff is in there, people without the episode can see it.
  9. Hi, released a small zombie survival map recently. http://www.garrysmod.org/downloads/?a=view&id=124780
  10. The 2nd and final beta of zs_quarantine_compromised, with the name changed. All it needs is to be played. http://www.garrysmod.org/downloads/?a=view&id=123704
  11. Hi there, just thought I'd post here since I made a thread about a month ago about a HL2 style map WIP. I took a break for that month and I've finished the beta of this map. Here is the download link: http://www.garrysmod.org/downloads/?a=view&id=123656 I'm not sure how successful it would be on your zs server because in my experience big indoor/underground maps are good on yours. Take a look anyway, see if you like what you see.
  12. I hope you made roof atleast using nodraw? Thats required to start with nodraws. Also it gets easy to make them textured. They align perfectly. No I didn't, why is it required? Also some updates.
  13. I texture my maps as I make them. I don't make everything nodraw, I just can't work like that.
  14. Dw Mr. Darkness I'm pro at 3D skyboxes now =) I might also have stuff after the bridge as well, but probably not as i have to do the interiors for all these buildings first and areaportals and shit Well. I hope you remember that you should make all the objects in the 3d skybox func_detail? Its important to optimise your map, or else skybox might be laggy a bit. Yeh I know that, but to date I haven't wanted to use a any brush based skybox stuff. I most likely will in this one. Wait what. You mean you wont do a road in (and into) 3d skybox? I'm not sure yet, the road that goes under the bridge will probably be blocked of or something. I may even make the bridge collapsed with some traffic fallen off it.
  15. Dw Mr. Darkness I'm pro at 3D skyboxes now =) I might also have stuff after the bridge as well, but probably not as i have to do the interiors for all these buildings first and areaportals and shit Well. I hope you remember that you should make all the objects in the 3d skybox func_detail? Its important to optimise your map, or else skybox might be laggy a bit. Yeh I know that, but to date I haven't wanted to use a any brush based skybox stuff. I most likely will in this one.
  16. Dw Mr. Darkness I'm pro at 3D skyboxes now =) I might also have stuff after the bridge as well, but probably not as i have to do the interiors for all these buildings first and areaportals and shit
  17. I started a HL2 style map today, not for any particular game mode, I'm just going to try and make it my best and most detailed map yet. Here is what it looks like from the sky And a slightly earlier shot of the bridge etc
  18. Ok well that probably won't happen. I've decided to start a type of map from scratch that is the same theme as this, but my own map lol
  19. A 3D skybox DEFINITELY.
  20. THAT^. Also you could give it environmental stuff like fire, maybe add ladders, add something what would happen if citadel just stop to work, combines left and only some humans stayed. You know headcrabs also began to capture the whole place if you did play the game. Just try fitting in your own imagination. Or it would be even better if you had added d1_trainstation_04 to it as a continue to make it a bit bigger. Maybe, probably block some areas. Make a ravenholm-city17 out of it, idk. By D1_trainstation_04 you mean the bit where you are on the roofs?
  21. I don't understand why people don't seem to understand that I just did this because I think the map would be good for zombie survival. I clearly stated that I take no credit for the map. All I've done is converted it for zombie survival...
  22. Stop being half-arsed and download it to see how big it is.
  23. It has plenty of cading spots inside, I'm guessing humans are gonna cade right up the top of the stairs mostly. There aren't many open spaces though...kinda cramped inside.
  24. I've been working on a map in the last 2 or 3 days. It is a copy of the HL2 map 'd1_trainstation_03', but with some modifications. I'm not entirely sure how hard or easy this will be on zs, but I'm gonna guess fairly hard. Modifications include: *A fully working elevator with 4 stops. *Some rooms in the HL2 campaign that were not accessible have been opened. *All the HL2 scripts and AI stuff removed. *All the zs enitities placed. *A not secret but very hard room to get to added, if you have enough ammo in your barricade kit that is. Here's the download link: http://www.garrysmod.org/downloads/?a=view&id=119684 Obviously I take no credit for this map, I just did it solely because I think it has potential as a zs map. And here are some screenshots:
  25. Hi, I've recently started my own zs server running zs 2.01. I've looked around for a fix for the zombie animations but so far I've only read that apparently it is to do with lua hooks or something. If someone knows how to fix the zombies so they play the relevant animations when attacking etc then please help. I've asked other coders but they don't help me and tell me to learn lua. I am trying to learn lua but it will be ages before I can do anything significant. Thanks for reading
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