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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Wigbig

  1. And if you do get armies of poison zombies, then it's not like you can't just revert to what it was before that was added.
  2. zs_gatehouse is finished! Sorry about the unholy file size. http://www.garrysmod.org/downloads/?a=view&id=118973 Changes since v2: * Some lights replaced with constant lights. * More props added in certain places * An easy way for zombies to get into the vents (Go round to the side of the building and jump up the wood crates etc.) * Map now compiled with HDR * Zombie spawns moved about a bit. * A few ammo crates added. * Ladder fixed so less falling off * Sexy music in a certain room that plays when radio is used (Only plays once). * Different textures on the ceiling of second floor. Think that's about it. Credit to +[sP] + CCD for the building design.
  3. I don't like the supports in swimming pool. They are to 'industrial looking' and raw for the other textures used in the map. Should have been a plastic or something.
  4. Could be a good map. One thing I think is that the textures used on the metal bars/ beams in the roof don't look very good :/
  5. DON'T WORRY. The Episode Two content is packed in the .BSP and works...
  6. Lol, can someone tell me if this map ever gets added. Also I wasn't sure if there was any special entities like for the supply drops, because I have only placed Stoned Potatoes special entities at the moment.
  7. A map based on an entrance building to an oil refinery in russia/eastern europe. Be proud of me Mr. Darkness! Downloadable here: http://www.garrysmod.org/downloads/?a=view&id=118664 And here: http://filesmelt.com/dl/zs_gatehouse_v2.zip Enjoy!
  8. *Get rid of all the human classes and have one.
  9. I don't want to make a 'glacier' map. I'll make another house map and call it 'bigcity' And I call him puffy also.
  10. glaciers aren't that small, they are fucking huge. That is more like a small piece of land that hasn't melted. Don't know why there would be buildings on it. Sorry to be negative puffy but just doesn't seem that imaginable. good atmosphere with the nightocean skybox though =#
  11. Okay download the vmf here. Run in cstrike mode. http://filesmelt.com/dl/zs_barracks_b4.zip
  12. I finished cottage ages ago. I have a huge map called zs_barracks also but I think it might need professional optimizing. Just tell me if you want to have a look at the vmf
  13. Hello green people, just thought i'd post a map I did here. http://www.garrysmod.org/downloads/?a=view&id=118292
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