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I wasnt sure if it could be outside of the cycle but votable for. If it cant be done, then ignore that section.
Sorry if my wording was bad but at no point did i mention getting a new server. I'm sorry Balmung, the only other person on topic, i will re-explain. Add in the option to vote, using the plugin vote system, to play a Koth map. The rest of the time the server is payload. You did also bring up a good point that payload only ever has bots, 80% of the time at least, and the regular arena players all stopped playing or switched servers.
set-up phase is 60 seconds. they literally go afk for that minute, especially as blues, and they fail to vote. Clavus did say about setting the payload server to 64 player 24/7 2fort.
Firstly i know i've only been on occasionally but here's my views. 1 - Keep the bots. Fighting against no-one is pointless and incredibly boring. Often now i actually go to the L4G payload server to shoot bots. Yes people often stack against them, but least people aren't leaving straight away because the server is dead. 2 - Koth? Adding a Koth option to the map vote, see number 3, would give a bit of variance rather than just playing upward, badwater basin, hoodoo, upward...., and with the new Koth map it might attract other random players, who account for most of the current server users, to the server. One thing i would say though is that it shouldn't be in the map cycle but should only be accessible by vote. Basically the server is payload and will always play payload, unless people vote to do a Koth map, probably one option out of five on the voting, in which case it plays that map then goes back to payload unless a new Koth vote happens. 3 - Change voting. Currently voting, on the automatic voting, doesn't work. Most people vote for map A, and the server plays map N and then people leave. Also it requires the majority to vote. Why??? If the server is full of random people who are AFK for the set-up, often happens as people don't vote, then the voting fails due to lack of people and the server picks a shit map. Suggestion, have it so that it goes on what the majority of people that voted picked. TL;DR Keep the bots. Possibly add Koth. Fix the voting.
I think what jedabia was trying to say was that previous posts had insinuated that everyone died when logging out. for instance, if i've just found diamonds but have to log off due to it being late at night, then the server would kill me, thus making me drop all the newly mined diamonds. If either a pre-existing plugin was found, or clavus coded one, that killed people if they had taken damage withi a small timescale or if people near them had caused them harm within a timescale then yes, i'd vote for that. But having it so whenever anyone logs out, they die, IS SHITTY IDEA.
the map Balmung's on about is frontier.no matter how many times i play it, even on L4G, you are still required to download .nav files. edit: With regards to adding people, i'm fine with that. I've added a few people, one of which was Raxan, and those were just the people that i found to be decent and slightly active when i was. It'd be nice to be able to invite people when the server is dead.
Jeffmcgee reacted to a post in a topic: TF2 server restructure
Yesterday there were some good matches played although the server never had more than 10 players for long. At one point it was fun playing with Nex destroyed, Voidpekarn, Balmung and myself. The teams were massively unfair, nex and void against balmung and myself, but they were fun. We even managed to win once. The issue is still player count. For MineCraf advertising i know where to go and what to do, but i'm at a blank with TF2 as i am relatively new to the game.
Jeffmcgee reacted to a post in a topic: TF2 server restructure
Today seemed especially dead. Myself and Balmung sat in the server messing about until people joined. we waited about 5 rounds and then 1 person joined. We managed to eventually get another friend online, making the server count = 4. Eventually our friend left, and so did the other player, leaving only myself and Balmung for about another hour. No-one else in that time joined, regular or casual players. That occurred between 7 and 9 PM GMT, so the issue isn't a lack of non-EU players to keep the server populated after EU people DC, the issue seems a lot bigger than that.
On other servers i've seen AFK kickers so if people are idle then they get instantly removed. Obviously it still has issues. Even if you remove the GC aspect, having a board somewhere to show the most active players over a certain period, other than GameME, would be nice.
I'm not gonna quote due to having to quote too many people. @Balmung: I agree, and mentioned way back, that people should play out of a want, or love, to the server. Not due just to get something. I play 15 minutes a day on another server just to do there premium trial. I never spend longer than that there because i don't want to. The incentive there is the premium trial, which lasts 15 minutes, but that is the max time i spend there. @Minky: Serious contradiction on the previous page. Balmung said about not needing an incentive, you reply "i agree, that's why people need an incentive"??? Do you think before typing? You say that the server is dead only during non-EU times. Myself, Balmung and probably many other regulars, yourself as well as you've claimed previously, have been on during EU times, and the server has been dead. The issue isn't with the lack of non-EU people, it's a lack of people. Earning double green-coins during set times seems shit IMHO for non-L4G players. GC's only really apply for people who use these forums, which the casual gamer, the gamer the server needs to attract, does not. @iulian / NPhect Having a way to see most active players would be nice, although getting a suitable timeframe, e.g. weekly / monthly, would be difficult. I'm not sure giving ingame items is fair though so probably GC's would be an idea because the most active player, hopefully, would be from the community. It could also be done so that if you are most active for X times, or X times consecutively, you get an ever bigger bonus. @Minky again What did you imply by "probably wont be much competition as to who gets it "
with regards to the prop hunt idea: although it may be cool as a special weekend, but at times the server is dead. Do you wish to kill the server permanently? That gamemode appeals to the niche player group and most of those will have prop hunt servers to play on already. Why are 20 or so niche players going to switch to this server to play a gamemode 24 hours a day? They won't. The server needs a gamemode that the regulars here, and the mass player grouping, enjoys and will also play.
there's no point typing over 9000 words for something that can be said in about 5. This community probably isn't a democracy, as seen a few pages back here with clavus sided against auto-scramble despite the players pleading for it, so i doubt the 2 "votes" for removing thundermountain will count. I haven't played cranetop so can't really comment. The main thing that annoys is the voting. Either people vote for shite maps then leave, or the vote system doesn't pick the most voted for map. Myself and Balmung both voted option 1, and it chose option X, when there were only 3 people online. I have spent half hour with only myself in the server and the only person to join was Balmung, after i asked him via steam chat. Generally 2fort servers are full or nearly fullness but like with payload, if the server is dead it'll be boring as fuck. With one or two people playing it'll be easy / insta wins, with no enjoyment by any players as they just walk back and forth between intel rooms.
Banning is a word, not a world. And with regards to the potentially inactive admins i wasn't referring to them being required to increase popularity, just that surely they should be active.
It's not you i was trying to point out, it was every L4G "veteran" is only willing to join, bar a couple, if they're invited. People should play because they want to, not because someone is pestering them with invites. Another note of interest, NPhect is the only admin i've seen on, although i've barely looked in arena. When 4 admins are available, as pure TF2 admins, how many actually play / administrate on a regular basis. NPhect is one, but what about the others?
NPhect, why did you join though? not to be harsh to you and please don't take this as an attack at you, but you only joined, IMHO, due to an invite from Balmung. On the old server structure, everyone said that the BOTS ruined it because they didn't want to download the .nav files. Well now someone is saying the download maps suck. Also, with the bots, if no-one else was on you'd at least have something to play against. Now if your the only person online, you have an instant pushing win, but a max time defend win.