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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Kasha666

  1. In fact yes, but it was some kind of joke, you know. And i worn it only 2 mins.
  2. I said that Stig is an idiot but, after then i apologized before him. He just made me sick... (Stig: - you aren't fox, remove the tag, check F6-Team) Btw, there are only 2 members of fox: JKMW and Ezteban, and so... another members aren't exist at all?
  3. 1. =FoX=Kasha^1337 (Kasha666)2. 03.09.20163. Multi Theft Auto/Mr.green Mix server4. KoM|Stig5. Just because i played with FoX tag (lol)6. Reason?! chech this out: http://www.fox-mta.eu/index.php?action=roster - FoX web-site.
  4. Well, Boyka are good guy, but my opinion that he's not able be an Admin. Anyway Good luck. P.S. i don't mean harm you.
  5. Good luck my old friend. I know him really long time. And i have to say what he's worthy to be Admin.
  6. Are we we are, are we we are the waiting unknown
  7. We can't stop EdoCadovski! Good Luck
  8. Good luck Cena.
  9. Good luck Gold. But i still worry about your soul.
  10. Thanks you guys.
  11. Gameserver: MTA Race Server and/or MTA MIX Server Age: 24 Country of origin: Russia Average weekly playtime: Hm, maybe between 30-50 hours Languages able to communicate in: Russian, English. Little something about your self and why you think you're fit to be admin: Well... this is my try number 2. Ok. I start play to MTA in 2006 year. ( On MR.green server only in 2010) I was main admin on gta.ru server (2010-2012) it's FTP access and of course Admin power. I Don't know what i can say more.
  12. Hmm... Try it. race-nitro_extreme.zip
  13. Hey. NTS map now for MIX (without own NTS script) time approximate 2:50-3:30 +/- race-nitro_extreme.zip
  14. Good Luck ;(
  15. New map and old map (maybe 2007) race-nrgrace.zip race-othercarslv.zip
  16. hello again. Gameserver: MrGreenGaming.com race server Age: 22 Country of origin: Russia Link to Steam Community profile *: ------ Minecraft name **: ------ Little something about your self and why you think you're fit to be admin: I start playing in MTA since 2006. On mr.green maybe in 2010 (and some times in old mta). Just too many people playing without lamppoles (maybe you remember video) and too many fucking russians (sorry). I playing on Mr.green Race Server many times. And i have IRC.
  17. hello. Map from 2006 by me and fix also by me. ok. map on FCR (1.30-2.00) race-fcr-900professional.zip
  18. Kasha666

    UNBAN !!!

    thx for video to Must_Die
  19. Kasha666

    UNBAN !!!

  20. race-trucking.zip
  21. Ok. New map with trailer! Have fun and yay. race-trucking.zip
  22. ok, Maybe more time for Speed run? not 40 sec, 45 or 48 idk.
  23. Sry, here fix. race-MDNEWseriousweight.zip race-speedrun.zip
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