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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Kasha666

  1. Hi This is map what created by me and my friend Must_Die called New Serious Weight. And map time attack only 40 sec for finish it. race-MDNEWseriousweight.zip race-speedrun.zip
  2. Race On (map name). +1 map. map time 3.10-3.40 race-raceonon.zip
  3. Hi. Race in LS on Phoenix. Map time 2-3 min. race-phoenixslsr.zip
  4. Gameserver: Mr.Green MTA SA Race Server Age: 22 Country of origin: Russia Little something about your self and why you think you're fit to be admin: I start playin in MTA since 2006. In this time I have main admin right on gta.ru Race server, and I know about admining. On server (Mr.green) some russians guys is a big problem (spam, insulting, etc) because i'm russian too and I can help about this problem. I playing on Mr.green Race Server many times and I know every online admins.
  5. ...
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