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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by CIRCA

  1. I am sorry, but I am forced to withdraw my administrator application at this time. Reasons are following; I am going to have two quite difficult exams on 30th May and 4th June 2012. I am going to leave the country for the whole summer on 6th June 2012. Exams are upcoming and it's a fairly difficult period for me, after that I am required to leave country and work abroad. I will re-post this application whenever I decide to return and fully dedicate myself to Multi Theft Auto again. Regards, Circa.
  2. Good luck with making to the administrator team.
  3. Best of luck.
  4. 8.5/10 - it would be perfect in a relaxed environment.
  5. These were one of the few favourite games that I had on my Playstation 1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i8jsJn46rpk
  6. 1. REAL NAME AND AGE: Tanel Kuusk, seventeen. 2. WHERE DO YOU LIVE: Tallinn, Estonia [GMT+02:00]. 3. PREVIOUS EXPERIENCE WITH COMMUNITIES AND BOARDS: I have been and am in roleplaying communities currently in SAMP. 4. WHAT DO YOU DO FOR A LIVING: I am currently unemployed. 5. GO TO SCHOOL? IF YES, STUDYING WHAT: Yes, I do. I am currently in the process of finishing eleventh grade. 6. DESCRIBE YOURSELF WITH THREE WORDS: Outgoing, hardworking and interesting. 7. ANYTHING ELSE YOU WANT TO TELL US: Not really.
  7. Thank you all for your support, it will be needed.
  8. 2/10, not my type of music at all.
  9. GAMESERVER: Multi Theft Auto: San Andreas. AGE: Seventeen, turning eighteen in summer. COUNTRY OF ORIGIN: Tallinn, Estonia [GMT+02:00]. LINK TO STEAM COMMUNITY PROFILE*: I don't currently possess a steam community profile as I don't seem to have a need for it. MINECRAFT NAME**: Neither I do have a Minecraft account, I have never really been appealed by this game. LITTLE SOMETHING ABOUT YOURSELF AND WHY YOU THINK YOU'RE FIT TO BE AN ADMIN: I have never really been very good with describing myself, so I will make this brief enough. My name is Tanel, I am seventeen years old and I am currently in the process of ending eleventh grade in high school. I don't have many hobbies in particular, because I never really had the time to pick up any hobbies. In the other hand though, I am having interest towards all sorts of machinery, laws, economics and agriculture. I started up playing Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas when it was first launched and I had completed single player atleast nine or ten times before finding out about the multiplayer feature. I instantly started up playing in some random racing servers in Multi Theft Auto, but I didn't have that much time back then. Afterwards, I moved on to San Andreas Multiplayer and started roleplaying, which I have been doing for the last three and a half year almost in various different communities, such as Los Santos Roleplay, True Roleplay and IBP Roleplay. Now as the exams are upcoming and I am starting to have even less free time for gaming, then racing seems like an ideal thing for me to cool down from the daily stress, which is why I also decided to apply for the administrator position in this racing community. Moving onto the reasoning why I should be fit for the position in hand - I do personally believe that I possess all the necessary qualities that you're looking for from an administrator candidate. I am a hardworking and an active player who is willing to spare his free time on others welfare. Secondly, I am adecvate and able to make accurate judgements on people who are rulebreaking in this server that I will be moderating. Thirdly, I have previous experience with such positions - I have been apart of staff teams in various roleplaying servers, either is it an administrator position or a tester position. During my time being apart of the staff team, I have been also leading and been a member of mapping team(s) in those servers, which could be useful in Mr. Green racing server as well by constructing race maps. Last, but not least, I consider my English skills fairly fluent and understandable, which can be also good whilst being an administrator - I am required to be like the ambassador of this server, my actions and behaviour will reflect back to the server. Hopefully this application will be considered and if necessary, I can add few more paragraphs to it. Looking forward to hearing back from you. (PS: I am going to register myself into your mIRC community right away.)
  10. I was playing in Mr. Green when this old system was still up and running without the ghost modes and stuff. I somewhat found it more entertaining, but yet in the other hand it distracted me from getting decent race times. When the new system with different teams and ghost mades was implemented, then I decided to leave the community for a short while. Nevertheless, I have decided to return and I am enjoying it better than ever, so it's quite difficult to decide which one I actually liked better in the end then. (I am sorry if I somehow bumped an old thread though)
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