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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Hebulba

  1. You really did it all with vectors? It must take so long.. I cant imagine animating a whole cartoon like that Do you get the problem with CS5 where it starts to lag tons if you leave it open for hours? A little late reply but meh. Yes it's done only with pen tool ( that curve vector tool thing ) No, I don't have any lagging problems or anything with CS5.
  2. Wow dude that's really awesome! You got so much talent! What program do u use to make these epic pictures ? PS = Photoshop (CS5.1)
  3. I have done some vectoring with PS lately. I finished this a couple of days ago and I'm working with another one.
  4. I have had a few dedicated gaming headsets (price range 50-100e : steelseries h5, steelseries siberia and some creative headset) and those did decent job. But still the sound those produced is nothing compared to these Sennheiser HD518 headphones I have at the moment (+separate mic). I have also tried Saltys Trittons and i didn't like the sound those made while listening music.
  5. Why would you even use a ton of tnt to shoot just one since it's possible to shoot over 10 with just 2-4 tnts.
  6. Hate to go against buddies on this, But the no damage taking from the video is a common occurence when people /f home but get lagged out during the process. Though why he was able to /f home with enemies nearby Idk. I think you didn't see salt taking damage on the background ... I don't think that somneone who is lagging after using home to go somewhere else could still be there doing damage.
  7. Dat Video makes it fail. 2- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oNjKthk9Kmo&feature=feedrec_grec_index
  8. You can count me in.
  9. But faction wars IS survival (with factions)
  10. We had some spammers on the server so I thought I should report them. They kept going for some time spamming random letters and maybe even some words. We also have a video about this if needed.
  11. Well Griefing is basically allowed on this server so.... And it's possible to build mountain like that with just one bucket of lava and water. That's just kinda lame mimicing us after what we did yesterday.
  12. You should blame Notch for poor coding rather than "hacking". It's obvioulsy just some bug we have seen many times before.
  13. Yeah for sure... 1. There isn't any building lika that in this world. 2. Orno has his helmet always on. This guy doesn't have. 3. why would you hide half of your screen because of your coordinates? Coordinates are shown in upper left corner(with F3 on) 4. Jumping of of a cliff isn't really fly hacking.
  14. Templars say this is a LAG? Only thing I can see is commanderbrandon using a fly hack. But if someone else knows something about this, Please enlighten us about this so called LAG... Those screenshots were originally from chubbygon and I brightened them a little so we could see brandon better. Original screenshots: http://img101.imageshack.us/f/20110514162527.png/ http://img803.imageshack.us/f/20110514162450.png/
  15. Thanks! Unfortunately I'm not so active forum user that I would bring this topic back alive or anything...
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