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Mr. Green Gaming


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About Blobby

  • Birthday 08/09/1997

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  1. I talked to him a couple days ago (less than 6 days ago). And this might be related to a company which will sue him. Heck no Delu better not get sued. Ill sue them for sueing Delu...forget that Im black Ill just bust some caps.
  2. AGH. I know its a first person, but dude, I hate the forced player models thing. I JUST GO CRAAZY! I wanna be like a leet model but a beserker. :/
  3. Lol I set that as my backround XD
  4. Ok, I hate it when skilled people keep redeeming over and over again in the same round and it makes it impossible for unskilled players to redeem. Like me, I get so close to redeeming and then every skilled player just takes the rest of the kills. Can you make redeeming limited, maybe like twice a round?
  5. Make the gun spawns quicker, we cant live off of pistols forever. Well, at least I cant. I can live for like 2 mins then I get killled. Make it like at like 14 mins...
  6. My only 2 problems is the forced player models. I want to be charple, but i want to be commando to. I dont know why, I just feel the need to be a Charple! And the second one I agree with Clavus on the color correction. Its horrible, I die too easily because of it.
  7. One word, ACCEPT HIM! Err....wait. Thanks chainsaw for teh uber awsum times
  8. Fack you Dusty, you little cheater XD
  9. NO. I WILL NOT TAKE THIS! I will make a group on steam, reminding us all that these were great players.
  10. Cya robo, for the great sprays you made, and making us all happy by your end round !ravebreaks. Ill always thank you mate for what youve done, bye, and good luck with your life. BAD AZAE! NO!
  11. I dont like the way its dark, lets taze clav_maze for example. I go around the corner, and find myself lost because its too dark. I would still like the humans to have a flashlight at the beggining, and it makes it way easier for the zombie. Just my suggestion though, dont get all defensive
  12. Aww I was looking forward to this too D:
  13. Maybe alot of people are against you because your like half the other kids that play MMO games. Its frickin annoying O.O
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