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Mr. Green Gaming


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Posts posted by DeeGee

  1. I have no idea who this guy is, but he's already admitting to spamming, swearing at new playeers and making them leave, which is bad enough.

    His attitude towards the admins is the most disgusting thing though.

  2. Hey dawgs, let me raise this thread from the dead a moment.

    Add scramble to the servers. I spent a good two hours in the CP/PL one the other day, and got it from 4 vs 4 all the way up to 12 vs 12. And then Red team won twice and everyone leaves after trying to scramble. FFFFFFFF.

    The argument I've seen here before that people want to play with their friends so no scramble is pointless, since if the servers are empty they'll play with their friends on another server.


    I want to play some goddamn Gravelpit.

  3. You don't need them all on Steam, just the ones you have should be sufficient to request help from them.

    But what if you admins you have aren't on Steam? Well they prolly won't be on IRC either.

  4. My perfect admin (lol):

    - Active on the server he's admin on (atleast 1/2 hours per day).

    - When not playing on the server online at IRC Steam to assist in case of an emergency.

    - Checks and posts on the forums several times per day (both server related and off-topic talk).

    Because really, the TF2 forum has nothing on there. Old news threads, a few hundred crosshair threads and that's it. Nobody posts. Off-topic? No point. There are plenty of people I know well on the TF2 servers that I chat to in-game and on Steam chat. The forums aren't a real indication of 'the community' since the majority don't use the forums.

    As someone who plays every single day in our TF2 servers, this is what I would look for in an admin.

  5. The Pyro jetpack should be have maybe half the current amount of ammo to use. I mean, I have the double ammo item and because of that, I can make one jump, maybe two.

    It takes roughly 100 ammo to get the same height as a scout doublejump, maybe more. I know it's just for quick little jumps and things, but I can't even get one decent jump in before running out of ammo.

  6. I think it's silly to say no when you have lots of your regulars asking for them to go. There's not been anybody coming here saying "I am glad your server has crits", whereas you have loads saying the opposite.

    Surely the people who actually play the server should get the choice, instead of an admin who most likely doesn't get the chance to play much Arena.

  7. You should learn about your disease man, it's incredibly helpful to know what's wrong with you. I've taken all the medications you've said, and I've been on azathioprine for years now. Helpful indeed. Very manageable disease, thankfully.

  8. Crohns can begin from any age, I just got it really early. And taking the infected part of the intestine out is a really last chance, desperate act that I don't think they'd have actually done.

    Purely because Crohns, because it causes problems in your gut, can effect you anywhere between your throat to your ass, and literally taking a slice of your intestine out won't prevent it happening anywhere else. Fistula, mouth ulcers, low stomach absorbency and thus no weight gain etc.

    You must either have a very mild form of it, or your doctors are extremely bad doctors >.> Steroids can reduce any immediate pain anyway.

  9. Uh ... I have Crohns disease. And I'm not sure what you mean about blockade in the stomach, because Crohns is an inflammatory bowel disease, there's nothing really blocked, as such.

    You share similarities to me, man. I spent 5 weeks in hospital, including my 13th birthday. Disease sucks, it's worse then childbirth. But hey, it's thankfully not there a lot of the time.

  10. I'd just like to point out that I'm not a bad player, and I still hate cranetop. Purely for the fact it just doesn't look right to me, the textures and the lighting don't match up to quality Valve stuff. It's instantly obvious that this map is community made, even if nobody told me.

    But that's just what I think of it, I'll play it if it comes up, and wait until a better map comes.

  11. Donating really isn't that helpful enough to totally unbalance the game, I find. No, I think the only time it's a problem is when you have an entire team of donators against non.

    I often find that even with my increased uber time, I can't single handedly win the game with whatever chap I'm ubering. I still need a decent team. And if the enemy team is decent, it makes it even harder.

    A scramble feature might do some good. While I do like playing with all the regulars, it is dastardly fun sometimes to be fighting skilled players. I do love trying to backstab Wixern.

  12. I'll agree with Wixern in that I'll always go for the team with the regulars over people I don't know, and that does really unbalance the teams. But I don't think that is the problem here.

    The old server used to be always full at peak times, so there would always be new people to fill in the gaps and to balance out the teams. I don't know why, but there's just not that many people on it since the move, I usually join and see 12 vs 12, which quickly drops as people leave until eventually everyone leaves because of lack of people.

    Anyone else noticed this, or just me?

  13. So yeah. Those people who didn't use an idle program to get hats have now been rewarded with a neat halo to wear.

    And with my first hat, I begin to realize how pointless they are. I mean, I can't even see my own hat D:

    Why exactly did people idle to get these again? I figure the only time it matters is during humiliation. I have the urge to just make our team lose now just so I can glimpse my hat.

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