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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Thuffy

  1. An expansion on mc .. still dont get how he's gonna do that ;x
  2. Don't see how there can be an expansion pack on mc in the future ... I bought it in Beta ;x
  3. Nv ;d Gta4 or assassin's creed brotherhood ?
  4. msn since I dont use yahoo ;d CssZss or Gmod Zs ?
  5. Lamborgini and mouse ;x Big fake tits or real normal ones ?
  6. You broke it by your bull shit ... Anyways, Clavus James Bond or Mission Impossible ?
  7. Yea you're right, if the game doesn't knows it's there you can't build in it, right ? And breathing is no proble in mc ;x
  8. Toilet then it falls true you ;x Would you rather be gay or an ugly fat women who's lesbian
  9. changing the height limit would be awesome on our server ;x but as you say, it'll slow the game down and tons of other reasons
  10. sounds good (:
  11. Don't get the reason of a hight limit ;x can some1 explain me that ? The cooked chicken looks awesome, finally there's a use for the stupid chickens
  12. So this is left like it is till the server gets updated ? yea I was like wow nice mountain and then I read the "look at the sprinting bar" and then I lolled Hahaha ;d Meatman comming to MC !!
  13. Is this just a mod ? or is this on the new update ? cause I know I'm gonna die a lot cause of the sprinting bar
  14. Where has the shout box gone ?? Found it ;d But there's an error ... it aint working
  15. Don't know on wich comment you're replying ... Errr No ... But since I know that a friend and I made a mp server In just 2 days from scratch (just watching youtube vids to figure it out) I don't see why It would take so long But since Ywa explained it I get it, it's obvious that it isn't that easy if ain't your property .. So Ywa is working fine for me since I got the update of what's going out and I'm glad to hear he's working like shit So respect Ywa ;d So if no1 else needs something fixed we're gonna wait a pretty long time ?
  16. Don't get why a server upgrade takes 2 weeks ... If he would work good it would be ready in 5 days ... If you hate the host why would he keep the server up for you then ?? I can't believe ppl actually coment on things they think is shit or read a topic of something what They find shit ...
  17. Clavus can you keep us updated about the server ? WHat are you fixing now that the server is again down ? lucky that I'm on vacation (:
  18. Why's the server down ?
  19. got a screenie from him admitting it Yup they do got a pic from it (daytime)
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