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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by BadPing

  1. pls
  2. This whole thread...
  3. Nice. Make it a sticky!
  4. Hope u liked it Good job sky
  5. Sounds good. But yeah, priorities!
  6. Hey! Just wanted to know: is this idea completely discarded? I do enjoy this kind of gamemode and I'm sure we can make it noob friendly. I know it's pretty hard to reach the hunter when you don't know the map but I believe the gamemode is still pretty fun to play with all the loops, massive jumps, lightning and air manipulation (mastering this can prove pretty useful in other gamemodes and the race server). Here are some ideas to see if you can consider implementing it: - Respawn (this is a must for the gamemode to not be hated). - Short time limit and new timer once the hunter is reached. - To avoid camping, you won't get GC if you didn't reach the hunter. - If you get the hunter, you earn some GC. Also, if you kill another hunter (killing in DD/delivering flag in CTF). - Winner gets the most GC. If there's no winner after time runs out, divide GC or no winning GC. Reaching the hunter GC still applies. - Replace RTF with this. RTF is like a very basic form of DM and it's not popular at ala. You really can't damage the server's popularity by replacing it. - Create a sticky tutorial thread for air control. Advertise it when DM gets played ("Die much? Learn to DM! link"). We can all help with this. What do you think? Is this too hard or impossible to do? I'd like to hear your opinions. Just don't say that not getting GC for being a noob will be an issue because currently in RTF only one player does. Actually, with the recommendations above you'll have a slightly better chance to get GC.
  7. Great news!!!
  8. It was just a suggestion neox, you can do whatever you please. I understand what you are trying to say about disk space, no need to keep repeating it but I still think you're missing the whole point, the bigger picture. I just hope map uploaders (whose work I appreciate a lot) will take this rule into consideration when reviewing maps. It has a reason to exist.
  9. The limitation is only one map in queue. As soon as your map is not in queue anymore (the map was already played), you can buy again.
  10. Well, I'm not crying. I'm just thinking ahead and trying to understand why a rule made by server managers is not being enforced by admins. This was the original question in my post which no one has been able to answer. The rule was created because of too much unnecessary music and to avoid exponential growth of the server files, or at least this is what makes the most sense to me. Music files cannot be separated from map files which makes neox suggestion non plausible and makes the rule even more relevant. Also, neox, respect yourself. Don't go around calling people 'faggets' just because they don't agree with you, learn to handle opposing opinions and don't try to win arguments by flaming. I only say this because you're an admin and somewhat represent the whole community, I wouldn't care less if you were a regular player, but you're not. Be a leader, act like one.
  11. Seems reasonable. Will there be any kind of alternatives evaluation anytime soon? Or will the price stay the same forever (or a long time)? I know the topic has been brought up in the past but times change and I'm trying to keep this issue floating around in your heads
  12. Will the server take the bet? Or will it be a pool bet within betting players? I don't think the server taking bets would be a good idea, specially since the upcoming gc to real money thing. How's it gonna be?
  13. Actually, I am forced to download them and keep them stored and 6 GB is way too much for just maps. I can't clean it up because sever will force me to download songs again. Music I won't even listen takes way more space than just the map. My guess was that the rule was made to do exactly what you are saying but I get the feel from this thread that most admins (or map uploaders) disagree with it and just let it slide, which is unfortunate.
  14. Hi. I don't see this rule being enforced. Why? There are very few themed maps but almost every map I play has a shitty song. It's annoying having to download songs I'm not even gonna listen and waste HDD space.
  15. To avoid exploiting it, make it a silent bet and show results at the end of the race.
  16. This. This time the high price actually has a purpose. Only post that tries to answer the question. But still, why are you so sure this will happen? 200 gc is still a considerable amount . You need to win between 10-20 times to get this amount of coins. Why do you think anyone will spend 200 gc every time a map they don't like comes up just so they can avoid 5 min of gameplay? I get the paintjobs and cars being quite expensive because it's a permanent thing and it may somehow show you're a good/regular/old player and may get you some sense of superiority over the others . All good, but buying maps is much more dynamic. You spend gc to just buy one map. And after 4 minutes it's all gone. This is why I think the price should be way lower.
  17. What keeps server managers from substantially lowering the price to buy a map?
  18. But I don't play XBOX
  19. 9/10 POAST MOAAAR!! To all my couch potatoes out there. P.S.: there's an official video but it takes too long for the actual song to start.
  20. Also, there's an 'Official suggestions / changes topic' (http://mrgreengaming.com/forums/topic/14819-official-suggestions-changes-topic/page-10) thread but I guess this draws more attention.
  21. You'll have GM on for a while. Same as how it is now.
  22. Maybe always respawn and the biggest killer wins. I do not enjoy this gamemode but being able to respawn and the chaos it would generate should keep me from going AFK.
  23. 2/10 Not my thing. Y'all ready to groove? Also, if anyone could get a download link for this song in top quality PM me please can't find it anywhere.
  24. 1. Yes. Cool idea. 2. Maybe, guess we need some voting on this one. 3. Hell no, it's NTS for something. You might not enjoy it but the other players passing you are rejoicing in your misery. 4. Would need to be a big like/dislike ratio like 1:10, most players don't even care about voting or don't know how. Also, any map should be played and voted certain amount of times to apply the keep/delete criterion. Anyhow, I think it's better to report the map and get it reviewed by a map manager.
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